They propose to create the Río Negro brand, Patagonia Argentina

Javier Acevedo, president of the CC ARI Cambiemos block presented in the Rio Negro Legislature a bill to create the brand “Río Negro, Patagonia Argentina”.

The initiative proposes “a tool for identity, promotion and development” of the goods and services produced in the province, which are marketed at the regional, national and international level.

The brand aims to be a distinctive symbol of quality and excellencethrough the design of a logo that will emerge from a selection process through Public Competition.

In the grounds, the parliamentarian indicated that “a graphic sign or emblem may be a driving force for tourism, exports, investments and the attraction of qualified labour.”

The brand would allow guarantee the excellence of the production processes and the quality of the products made in Río Negro and accompany people and SMEs, to promote and install what they produce in the context of regional, national and international markets.

Acevedo proposed «the need for the Provincial State to provide suitable tools for the development and promotion of companies and entrepreneurs in Río Negro“, promoting products of provincial origin, resulting in the opening and consolidation of our markets worldwide.”

Also wanted encourage investment in added value and production of goods and services, stimulating the growth of exports and favoring the investment process, with emphasis on the creation and development of SMEs.

For the author it is important that “Government spheres should encourage, promote and assist in the marketing stage to countless micro and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs who themselves do not have this capacity, either due to a lack of financial resources or a lack of know-how.”

Finally, the parliamentarian highlights the “special significance that it contains Belonging to a geographical region that represents a brand with strong global positioningas is Patagonia.

A graphic sign or emblem can be a driving element of tourism, exports, investments and the attraction of qualified labor.”

Javier Acevedo, legislator of the CC-ARI.


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