They claim that it is the “coldest day of the year”: in which city of Córdoba it was -8.8°C

They claim that it is the “coldest day of the year”: in which city of Córdoba it was -8.8°C
They claim that it is the “coldest day of the year”: in which city of Córdoba it was -8.8°C

Winter, which started almost 10 days ago, arrived with much “cruelty” to the province of Córdoba, although the team of this season of the year celebrates this cold weather. That false spring that took place on Thursday is now far behind us and June says goodbye with very hard frosts!

As the forecasts had anticipated, the weekend winter would be felt and with great force. In fact, a A tremendous frost fell this Saturday and several towns in the interior of Córdoba had temperatures below zero.

As reported by the meteorology technician, Rafael Di Marco, in the town of Cross Rivernear the station to Berrotarán, It was -8.8°C at 7:50But it was not the only city with similar marks, since inhabitants of other cities were also “frozen”: Los Reartes (-8.4°C), San Agustín (-7.6°C), Mina Clavero (-7.6°C), Serrezuela (-6.9°C), among others.

The specialist stated that it is “the most important day” cold of the year so far” and he said that there were also “strong frosts in La Pampa and San Luis”, while in Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero and Entre Ríos they were moderate.

From the Hydro-meteorological observatory from the Province of Córdoba reported that it will be a weekend with “very cold conditions at night, early mornings and early hours of the morning.”

In addition, they highlighted that the “minimum temperatures and thermal sensation would drop to negative values ​​with moderate to strong frosts in various sectors.” In turn, they clarified that the Maximum temperatures “would not exceed 16 degrees”. But the sky will remain clear and the wind will blow in variable directions during these last two days of June.


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