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Delay, energy, politics and corruption

While in Europe, the German Minister of Economy, Robert Habeck, has proposed a special electricity rate for the industrial sector, understanding that it is necessary for the economic development of his country and the member countries of the bloc, but, in addition, an instrument fundamental for the competitiveness of the sector; In our province, however, a ruling class with few insights is about to give the SMEs the coup de grace. source: (La Vanguardia 10/11/23). Habeck not only speaks of a special rate, but of a fixed maximum price and clarifies that the State must be between real consumption and the established one. This, in addition to making the sector more competitive, proposes a transparent reading of the invoice and the possibility of developing precise costs by companies; But fundamentally it is an incentive for development and growth, preventing companies from migrating to other countries. Habeck, who runs the finance portfolio of an industrial power, must know something about this!

In our province, the absence of policies regarding energy and decision-making based on personal and petty interests have put the productive sector that generates employment, once again, in check. The subsistence of thousands of SMEs in the province would be in the hands of the interests of a few. We are like a splendid, wonderful-looking antique clock, whose old machinery undoubtedly slows down.

Rio Negro is not the interior of the country, we are the very bowels of Argentina.

Surrounded by natural resources, we are capable of putting a satellite in space, we have mining, livestock, fishing, tourism, fruit growing, agriculture, technology, etc. If it is about living with our own, we are rich, but our wealth is managed by poor ideas and proposals. Today, the usual steps on outbreaks will lead the sector to chaos.

While the world thinks about how to grow, we are locked in endless discussions, whose architects of a new disaster are the ruling class of all time.

Bringing down an SME does not take much effort, and only requires unscrupulous people with little insight. Instead, inserting a new SME into the market requires courage, a lot of time and money. It requires fighting head-to-head with an established bureaucracy, without losing enthusiasm along the way.

Argentina ATRASA and Rio Negro accompanies with fervor. They want to throw the ball out with deception. It’s not the Nation, it’s you! We are energy producers among everything listed above. They spend the money they say they don’t have on advertisements full of fallacies. They criticize the burden of taxes on energy and have just introduced a new 5% tax, on November 17, 2023, to form a third provincial fund.

They lie. They justify the unjustifiable in relation to exorbitant increases that lead the productive sector, the driving force of the economy, to a situation of suffocation and destruction. What is at stake is 99% of the fabric that creates employment and the productive matrix of the province.

Without breaking a sweat they talk to us about adjustments for inflation! I will take, for example, my small business, which, in 25 months, maintaining energy consumption, has experienced increases that multiply the initial bill by 12. As far as the VAD (distribution added value) is concerned, it has suffered increases of just over 25,000% in 12 years. In this case I speak of Edersa, aren’t we the same province?
If we incorporate the chapter of multimillion-dollar forgiveness, with balances to be paid in 96 installments in pesos, subsidized rates, there is only one question left to ask ourselves:

Are we being taken for a ride?

The voracity seems to have no end, on the part of those who have believed that the natural resources of our province belong to them. I think they have gone too far. Today they interfere again with people’s work and the bread of our families. That is why we warn you NOT TO SHUT OFF THE SMEs! We are 70% of the work, but we are also taxes for the province. The same ones they need to continue sustaining the disaster that has been going on for decades and has been enslaving the productive sector, but also impoverishing the people.

Energy, Politics and Corruption. Links between the actors in the sector that place each on both sides of the counter, blurring functions. A province judge and party. Electric cooperatives that are bastions of politics.

Public complaints, as in the case of the CEB, involving diversion of funds to controlled companies and false balance sheets, also seem to be the common denominator in the rest of the country. What are our legislators waiting for to take action on the matter?

Their salaries and expenses are paid with taxes that come from the private sector. Finally, and in the words of the national representative Espert: “electric cooperatives in the interior of the country are a source of all types of jobs” Source: Page 12, 08/23/22 10:05 a.m.

Gabriel Trujillo

Reference Monapy Río Negro.

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