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against the Milei plan, the betrayal of the CGT and the massacre in Gaza

  1. Policy

This May 1st is not just another one. The ruling party, thanks to the collaborationists (PRO, majority of the UCR and the Pichetto bloc, among others) has just achieved the half-sanction of the Omnibus Law and fiscal pact that implies a series of attacks against working people. The union leaderships were erased, committing a true act of betrayal. In this framework, the PTS, together with neighborhood assemblies, social organizations, unions, combative groups of the labor and student movements and leftist parties, calls for an independent act that calls for confronting the entire Milei adjustment plan, in Congress and in streets. They demand that the CGT and the CTA call for a strike and mobilization when the laws are discussed in the Senate. The flags of support for the Palestinian people and support for the workers and young people who fight in the world will also be strongly felt.

This May 1st a new anniversary is commemorated International Workers’ Day. But this first one is not just another one. Because the Milei Government has just achieved the half-sanction of the Omnibus Law and fiscal pact that implies a harsh attack on all workers, not only because it contains a section on Labor Reform (a true counter-labor reform) that includes the elimination of historical labor rights, but because it proposes endless benefits for the employers and privileged sectors. for the “owners of the country.”

If it becomes law, since it must pass through the Senate, employers will be able to fire people more easily and cheaply, job insecurity will deepen and the vast majority of women will not be able to retire (because they eliminate the retirement moratorium and raise the retirement age). women to retire. Just to name a few things. But we have time to prevent it.

Faced with such a panorama, while the left and combative sectors battled within the premises and also in the streets, along with dozens of neighborhood assemblies, social organizations, retirees, unions and combative groups of workers and students; the CGT and the CTA were completely erased. They did not call assemblies in the workplace, they did not mobilize before or during the treatment. And they called for a May 1 event where they will regret (or justify?) the reform. They will go on strike within 10 days. A true betrayal.

As we already reported in this medium, this criminal attitude was part of a double game. While the Unión por la Patria bloc opposed it on the premises and made “good” speeches, the Peronist unionism, which even has several deputies, stayed in their comfortable offices “watching it on TV.” Unión por la Patria even had deputies who voted in favor of the Large Investment Incentive Regime. Their governors adjust at the same time in their provinces. It is part of a combo where Peronism denounces but provides “governance” to Milei.

For this reason, the PTS will not participate in the event called by the CGT for May 1 after such a betrayal. It will be part of an independent event in Plaza de Mayo from 1:30 p.m. together with other left-wing parties, sectors of combative unionism, neighborhood assemblies, social organizations and the student movement.

While we publish this note, a common text and more details of what the event will be like are being finalized democratically among the organizing organizations.

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