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Novel demonstration of unity of the Córdoba union centers

The main references of the labor movement of Córdoba They mobilized yesterday through the streets of our city to reiterate their questions about the president’s economic policies. Javier Milei. Within the framework of Labor Daythey carried out an extensive vehicle caravan that started in the Sarmiento Parktoured the downtown area, and culminated with an event near the Patio Olmoswhere a joint document was read.

Under the slogans “Rights are defended” and “The country is not for sale”the protest expressed its rejection of the adjustment measures of the national government and against the labour reformwho already obtained a half sanction in the Chamber of Deputies. The political novelty of the day before was that for the first time in several years, the Córdoba union leadership was united in this demand. It was a call promoted by the CGT Regional, CGT Córdoba, CTA Autonomous, CTA Workers, and the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP).

“This is a government without social dialogue, which only links itself with representatives of friendly interests, which attacks and destroys workers and their organizations, belittles retirees and pensioners who cannot wait, ignores the attention of the most vulnerable, discriminates against the creators of the popular economy,” the letter stated.

In line with the demands that the university sector has been making, the statement also criticized the educational policy of the libertarian administration. “The national government defunds public health, public education, science, technology and culture, while the capital value of small and medium-sized businesses and businesses gradually deteriorates, thus deepening the serious picture of structural poverty and indigence that devastates our community,” he indicated.

“Faced with this scenario of a national government that does not listen or dialogue, once again, the labor movement organized by the General Confederation of Labor is united and standing. The workers reaffirm our commitment and our right to participate in the design of the society to which we aspire,” the document stated in another section, implying that the unity shown by the Córdoba unions could be repeated in future mobilizations. Especially on May 9, when another national strike promoted by the national CGT takes place.

In line with the critical stance of the national labor union, the Córdoba labor movement was pessimistic about the economic measures promoted by Milei: “There is a government that does not show a sustainable or consistent economic program, that does not project a horizon of encouraging expectations. in the future, nor towards comprehensive growth with productive and not just financial investment.”

The definitions of Bustos and Cristalli

Within the framework of the day of protest, the head of the Graphics Guild and co-secretary General of the CGT Córdoba, Ilda Bustos, highlighted that “the table of unity in the action that we have formed is in force and those ties of unity will surely deepen. unity because we understand that organization and unity are absolutely essential for the process that we have to carry out, which is to fight against this government plan.”

Meanwhile, he warned that “the Bases Law in itself is a setback in terms of the country, because not only does it have the labor reform that we repudiate, but we repudiate the entire law because it involves privatizations and layoffs; eliminate the pension moratorium; create the Income tax; It implies the destruction of the State and the sovereignty of our country, giving away resources to the highest bidder, which in this case is the market, the economic groups; and it implies the delegation of powers that correspond to Congress on a lot of issues.”

For his part, the general secretary of the Union of Educators of the Province of Córdoba (Uepc), Roberto Cristalli, warned that “the current situation is one of the worst contexts after more than 20 years, since in the ’90s “He lived a similar situation.” “I believe that changes are going to occur based on what has been voted in the National Congress with the Base Law. The truth is that one of the points that I think will have the most impact on the world of workers is the loss of some rights that were won. The Income Tax was an achievement that had been discussed for a long time,” he said.

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