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Milei deepens her personal bond with Musk, who defines an investment plan in Argentina

Javier Milei and Elon Musk pose for a photo during their meeting in Los Angeles

(From Washington, United States) Javier Milei deepened their personal bond with Elon Musk during their meeting in Los Angeles, before returning to Buenos Aires. The president and the businessman are advancing a roadmap that will involve a flow of investments towards communications and mining, two business areas that Casa Rosada intends to open to market competition.

“Fabulous”, Milei answered – in capital letters – when asked via chat how the meeting with Musk had been.

The President was on a flight to Buenos Aires – he will land around 12 – when Musk also reflected his assessment of the second conclave shared with the head of state. Musk used the social network (formerly Twitter), which belongs to it.

“I recommend investing in Argentina,” He posted from his personal account.

Musk’s post after the meeting he held with Milei in Los Angeles

And when Milei had a forty-minute stopover in Lima, forced stop to supply fuel to the ARG 01, he learned of Musk’s message and reposted.

Milei’s repost of Musk’s tweet recommending investing in Argentina

The second meeting between Milei and Musk lasted almost an hour, and included the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Mileiand to the ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein. In addition to an eventual flow of investments, the president and the businessman discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on the development of the global economy.

The president highlights the personal challenges that Musk faces, and before the conclave he took advantage of his conference at the Milken Institute global convention to send him a direct message.

“We have put men on the Moon and now we are looking at Mars. And we have done it thanks to the ambition, creativity and optimism of men like you, who associated themselves with each other in the pursuit of their own happiness. (…) We are a kind of explorers, creators, inventors. Not from bureaucrats. And it is the entrepreneur-adventurer, not the desk bureaucrat, the kind of man who embodies in the present this timeless quality of the human spirit. That’s why, “I don’t want to stop celebrating my friend Elon Musk’s effort to set foot on Mars.”said the president when completing his presentation.

Musk reciprocated Milei’s gesture during the conclave in Los Angeles. He made a tight defense of the work of Friedrich Hayek and Murray Rothbard, heirs of the work of Ludwig von Mises, a fundamental author in the economic conception that the president projects on his government plan.

The roadmap that Milei and Musk reconciled means silent work, which should lead to an official announcement starring the president and the businessman during their visit to Argentina. That trip does not yet have a confirmed date, and could occur towards the end of the year.

Milei hugs a flag of the State of Israel before his talk at the global convention organized by the Milken Institute

Before the meeting with Musk, the president gave his lecture at the global convention organized by the Milken Institute. Milei was walking through the backstage of the event on her way to lunch and met the flag of the State of Israel. She hugged the Israeli flag, asked to have her photo taken and remembered the crisis in the Middle East during his presentation.

“As a civilization, having seen what we are capable of, we are choosing to distrust our own ability, deny our own virtue, our own identity, and commit what is, by all accounts, collective suicide. Today, already too late in some places, we see with horror the fruits that these ideas are beginning to bear. For example, this week right here in the United States, with the tens of thousands of young people across college campuses, claiming Islamic terrorism and promoting anti-Semitism. That is, literally, the future elite of the West at enmity with its own culture”, said the head of state.

The president’s speech impacted the audience at the global convention. Not only because of the ideological content, but also because of his presentation of the country and the perspective that he applied to analyze the current international situation.

I am convinced, without the slightest doubt, that “Argentina has all the conditions to be the new Mecca of the West”Milei said.

Marcelo Midlin, president of Pampa Argentinawas sitting next to Michael Milken – organizer of the event – when Milei questioned the current version of capitalism and condemned state intervention to amend what he calls market failures.

I was surprised by the attendance at the lunch where the President spoke and the way in which it was received by everyone present, a reaction similar to that of Davos,” he said. Midlin when asked about Milei’s conference.

Midlin’s opinion is similar to what they heard Nicolas Posse and Luis Caputo in his meetings with bankers, investors and CEOs, who came to California to participate in the conference organized by Milken. In these meetings, the Chief of Staff and the Minister of Economy described the adjustment program and its possible future perspective, given the falling inflation and the fiscal deficit – for now – neutralized.

In each case, Posse and Caputo were faced with the same question: “What is Milei like?” A question that resembles the beginning of Atlas Shrugged, the initiation book of Ayn Rand. The Russian writer, mother of objectivism, also asked herself: “Who is John Galt?”.

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