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The CGT strike reaches classes, shops and parking

This Thursday the CGT will carry out the second 24-hour national strike. Neuquén joined the protest against the Bases Law and the fiscal package that obtained half a sanction in Deputies. Measure will have the presence of different unions that will join the claim such as teachers, banks, merchants and groups.

This is the second force measure in Javier Milei’s management promoted by the CGT, since the first occurred on January 24. In Neuquen The Commercial Employees Center (CEC), the ATEN teaching union, the State Workers Association (ATE), La Bancaria adhere to the force measurethe union of Judicial Employeess (Sejun), Upcn, Anel, Sitramune/Fasemp, Siprosapune, Unavp and UTA.

CGT strike in Neuquén: public transportation

From the Automotive Tram Union (UTA) they reported that they will join the national measure called by the CGT. The general secretary of the union in Neuquén Gabriel Ceballos informed Diario RÍO NEGRO that they will join the measure. “Officially, we adhere and it will be for 24 hours,” he assured.

The service will resume normally from 0 on Friday the 10th.

CGT strike in Neuquén: commercial and banking activity

On the other hand, the CEC indicated that they join the measure of force“in the face of a national government that applies a strong adjustment to the popular sectors” and that “intends to take away fundamental labor rights.”

«This Thursday, May 9, we call on each commercial employee to join the national strike, which will be carried out without mobilization. They have legal guarantee to join the strike«, they detailed. Within this union are the capital’s metered parking workers.

The secretary general of The Bank He explained to Diario RÍO NEGRO that they are going to join the strike. “We adhere and it is without presence in the workplace”, he remarked. Consequently, andOn Thursday there will be no public service in the banks.

CGT strike in Neuquén: classes in schools and universities

From The teaching union Aten, Upcn, Sejun, Anel, Sitramune/Fasemp, Siprosapune and Unavp, reported that pThey will participate in the measure and will meet at 10 at the San Martín monument of the capital of Neuquén where they will then march through the center, «to say no to the Bases Law and no to the fiscal package. For decent wages and work with labor rights.

For his part, the The Trade Union Front of National Universities also joined the measure. «After the disastrous half-sanction that the Chamber of Deputies gave to the Milei Bases Law that deepens the delivery of our resources, It is urgent to strengthen the unity of the popular field to prevent this law from being approved in the Upper House«they expressed in a statement.

CGT strike in Neuquén: activity in public administration

The union of state employees (ATE) will also be present in the fight and will concentrate at 10:30 in its delegation in the capital located at Yrigoyen 554. «No to layoffs in national organizations. Without the state there are no rights,” they expressed in a statement.

The general secretary of ATE and CTA Carlos Quintriqueo, told Diario RÍO NEGRO that Public entity offices will remain closed.

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