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“Yes, I took it, I can’t deny it”: the unusual road control of the archbishop of Salta who was driving without registration

The moment when the Archbishop of Salta Mario Antonio Cargnello admitted that he drank alcohol during a road control

The archbishop of Salta, Mario Cargnello, found himself involved in a new and unusual controversy. During a vehicle check, traffic agents from the provincial capital stopped the monsignor’s march and when asked if he had a driver’s license, the religious admitted that he did not have one. But it wasn’t the only thing: The highest authority of the Church of Salta recognized that he was driving under the influence of alcohol.

I went to a dinner. I can’t deny it, he wants me to tell him“Cargnello told the agent, who unusually let him go aboard his truck, despite the two serious infractions he had committed. “No more”the road authority replied.

As confirmed to Infobae Matías Assennato, Municipal Transit Secretary of Salta, a summary will be initiated against the officer and an ex officio intervention will be made to provide evidence to the Misdemeanor Court, and to evaluate whether the archbishop has to be sanctioned.

The unusual episode occurred 10 days ago in a control on Bicentenario Avenue in the provincial capital, but the video in which the entire conversation between the monsignor and the agent is observed went viral in the last few hours. After admitting that he did not have the license, Cargnello threatened to look for the registration in the glove compartment but there was no case. The document did not appear. Then he said, “I took.”

One of the agents asked him again: “Did you take anything?” It was then that Cargnello said that he “had dinner with friends.” The most surprising thing was what came next. “It’s okay, monsignor,” the agent responded. “For this time, go monsignor,” he added.

I thank you. I have to go to mass right away, at 8″said the religious. He shook the officer’s hand and then continued his journey. They only took the minutes for him because he did not have the document. The breathalyzer test was conspicuous by its absence.

“We are going to be firm with this. The law applies the same to everyone. The Mayor instructed me to immediately act ex officio, beyond the minutes that were drawn up due to lack of documentation. Measures will also be taken regarding a possible case of alcoholism against the Monsignor and everything will be sent to the Misdemeanor Court. A summary will be initiated against the agent to find out why he did not act as he should have done. “We are going to be relentless with this,” Assennato said.

Ten days have passed since the incident, so a breathalyzer test does not make sense at this time. The priest’s blood alcohol level at the time of the check will never be known. When asked by this media about this aspect, Assennato said that “only his statement in the video exists as evidence” and that based on that, “The Misdemeanor Court will decide whether to take action against the monsignor”.

Official sources from Salta clarified to this medium that “The traffic officer did not give him the test properly”. In addition, they pointed out that there have already been cases in which a filming was sufficient to impose sanctions, which would mean that if the Court accepts it, there would be the possibility that Cargnello would receive a sanction.

Mario Cargnello, archbishop of Salta

“There is history in the Municipality that due to a video, the license of a driver who entered a pedestrian street at dawn for acting funny was suspended,” the source revealed.

“He admits that he was at a toast. The agent’s action should have been to withhold his license, not allow him to circulate and fine him, even if the alcohol content was 0.01.″he added. In the province of Salta there is zero tolerance for anyone who drives under the influence of alcohol.

In that sense, they indicated that Archbishop Cargnello could be summoned and eventually appeal a sanction. “He could also accept it,” he said.

A little over a month ago, Cargnello was found guilty by the Salta Justice in a case for gender violence against a group of nuns who reported him in 2021. The sentence imposed by Judge Carolina Cáceres Moreno, of the Family and Gender Violence Court No. 3, includes the obligation to carry out psychological treatment and a perimeter restriction.

Together with Cargnello, Bishop emeritus Martín de Elizalde, judicial vicar Loyola Pinto y de Sancristóval and priest Lucio Ajaya received the same sentence.. They are all accused of having attacked Discalced Carmelites of the San Bernardo conventfrom that province.

Those already declared guilty will have to carry out psychological treatment with a gender perspective “in order to work on bonding patterns and acts of violence,” in addition to a training on gender issues, gender violence and current regulations. On the other hand, the perimeter restriction which had already weighed on them since the complaint was made at the end of 2021.

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