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Tourist cars are buried under the collapse of a wall in Holguín

Photo: Roberto Carlo Estrada – Facebook

Text: Hugo León

More than a dozen cars presumably dedicated to rental for tourism suffered severe damage when they were buried under a brick wall that collapsed due to its poor construction condition.

According to social media reports, this event took place at the Transtur car base in Holguín.

The costs can be several thousand dollars, since although the images do not allow us to see in great detail all the damage to the cars, it is observable that many of them have the rear windshield affected and strong impacts on the rear in general. .

The publication quickly captured the interest of hundreds of Internet users, who in addition to reacting with astonishment, wondered how it was possible that no one had paid attention to the poor condition of the wall that collapsed.

Many pointed out that human lives are also lost, while others indicated that even without going into many details, it is clear that the wall was far from being very resistant.

“Simple, they are from Liborio,” one of the Internet users who commented on the publication ironically noted, referring to the fact that no one is hurt because they are from the State and there will be no one responsible to answer for what happened.

Others went a little further: “It’s good that it happens to have the people on foot with cars stopped there! The fact is that while public transportation suffers the consequences of the harsh economic crisis, cars for tourist rental do not stop entering the country annually.

Meanwhile, you can read in the publication that “what belongs to everyone belongs to no one,” a palpable reality in every sector of the country. In companies, institutions and sectors where the losses are not from one’s own pocket, and the profits do not go to any pocket but to the State, apathy and negative results abound.


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