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without classes and with health services affected

For this reason, there will be no classes in schools or universities and public health services will be affected in Neuquén.

Strike of teaching unions

Last Monday the teaching unions convened a national strike for 24 hours throughout the country, given the lack of progress in their claims. The measure was taken jointly by the Confederation of Education Workers (CTERA) and the teaching unions and is convened for the same day that the Budget and Education Commissions of Deputies will meet in the National Congress.

ATEN stop march

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

In Buenos Aires the rally will be in front of the National Congress to demand that the Commissions treatment of university financing and restitution of FONID. In Neuquén it will be at 11 at the monument to San Martín, from where the march will start. According to the CTERA statement to which ATEN capital and ATEN provincial adhere, the measure of force is for “the lack of responses to salary, labor and educational financing demands“.

Among the main demands of teachers, an urgent call to the National Teacher Paritythe restitution of National Teacher Incentive Fund (FONID) and the increase in the educational budget and financing for school infrastructure.

Strike in Public Health

From the Neuquén Public Health Professionals Union (SiProSaPuNe) announced their adherence to the national day of struggle called by the Argentine trade union federation, to make visible and denounce the strong neglect of public health by the national government, provincial governors and municipalities.

“We see how they try to divert the discussion by suggesting that the crisis in health care is due to the increase in the cost of prepaid payments, or that foreigners are to blame for the lack of financing and that progress in tariff policies is the salvation budget”, they indicated through the statement in which they confirmed the stoppage for 24 hours and they pointed out that this agenda “is an offense to those of us who work and resist every day the policy of shrinking public health in Argentina.”

At the same time, they emphasized that some national programs, such as the prevention of teenage pregnancy, they are underfunded but they also spoke from their place as health personnel, remembering that after the Covid-19 pandemic they went from being “heroes” to not being listened to and having salaries below the poverty line.

They assured that the public health system of Neuquén It does not escape what is happening at the national level and they highlighted that there is a lack of professional human resources.

“Bringed to a situation where the Right to Free, Universal, Accessible and Quality Public Health is today extremely violated, from SiProSaPuNe, FeSProSa we call on all of us who by conviction defend health as an inalienable universal right,” they concluded and They invited the call for mobilization, this Thursday at 12 at monument to Saint Martin.

The situation of universities

This Wednesday the universities return to the streets due to the budget that the president’s government stepped on them Javier Milei. Without funds to function, the community of the National University of Comahue (One co) will march with torches in line with the national protest this afternoon and on Thursday they will join the strike.

ON – March for public universities (27).jpg

Omar Novoa

The first university march, which occurred on April 23, It meant a blow to the national governmentwhich backed down on its intransigence until agreeing to pay the debt to the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), leaving almost all the rest of the country’s educational entities on the sidelines.

While details of this Wednesday’s march were given, the national government, through the spokesperson Manuel Adorniannounced a definitive agreement with the National Interuniversity Council.

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