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Survey: 57% of people believe that the worst of the economic situation is over but 61% believe that they will suffer the impact of unemployment

Workers of an automotive company during their workday, at the plant in the city of Zarate

Almost six months after the arrival of Javier Milei At the Casa Rosada, a survey showed the high level of positive image of the members of the La Libertad Avanza Cabinet – which exceeds 50% – in contrast to the cases of the leaders of Unión por la Patria. The surprising thing about the work carried out by the consulting firm Giacobbe is that 57% of those consulted believe that the most difficult stage in economic matters has already passed but fear of unemployment is growing.

The survey shows a high level of positive image of the members of the Government, all with more than 50%. To begin with, the President himself has 58.7%, the vice president Vitoria Villarruel 55.2%; the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni 56.2%; the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich 55.1%; and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo 51.6%. On the other hand, the representatives of Unión por la Patria appear with a negative image: Cristina Kirchner with 66.3%; the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof with 25.4%; and the leader of La Cámpora, Maximo Kirchner with 74.6%.

“What emotion does the current situation in Argentina make you?” was one of the questions in the survey.

When asked “What emotion does the current situation in Argentina produce in you?” The word “hope” stands out, followed by “sadness”, “anger” and “uncertainty”. Very far away “joy” and “emotion” appear.

“Regarding the economic crisis, what do you think?” they told the respondents. 57.3% responded “I think the worst is over” and 42% “I think the worst is yet to come.” They were also consulted about the Bases Law that hopes to be discussed in the Senate in the coming days: 55.2% believe that it is a good package of laws and they should approve it, 34.1% believe that it is bad for the country and they should reject it and 10.3% say they have no information about the project.

“Regarding the economic crisis, what do you think?” they asked in the survey.

“What do you think is the main problem in Argentina today?”, was another of the slogans, where corruption, inflation, poverty, Kirchnerism and unemployment stood out. Topics such as insecurity and the economy also appear. In fact, according to the survey, 33% are sure that someone in their family will lose their job.28.9% consider that the possibility exists and 37.7% rule out that scenario.

33% are sure that someone in their family will lose their job

Another issue that the survey evaluates is future increases in services. When asked “How much extra money are you willing to pay for electricity, water and gas to help reduce the fiscal deficit?”, 20.5% responded with an increase of 100%, 14.3% He assures that 50% and 18.8% 255. In this consultation the “no increase” option won with 45.4%.

Finally, they asked: “How long do you think you can resist the current economic situation?”: 30.3% said they cannot resist anything longer, 15.4% estimated about six months, 16.7% one year and 8% two years. Strikingly, 27.4% said they can resist four years, but “resist three years” was far behind with 1.5%.

According to the technical sheet released by Giacobbe, the survey was carried out in Argentina between May 20 and 24 in 2,500 cases. It was a sampling adjusted by quotas of gender, age, level of education, income received, and regions for the Argentine provinces, electoral sections for the Province of Buenos Aires and communes for the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. In addition, it was implemented as a questionnaire with open and closed questions in a system adapted to mobile devices.

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