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new complaint against Human Capital

Now another criminal complaint filed by the lawyer became known Leonardo Martínez Herrero of course “embezzlement of public fundsactive and passive bribery, fraudulent administration and illicit association Pay attention to the number of people involved.”

The complaint pointed to Pablo de la Torre, Federico Fernández, Esteban Bosch, Héctor Calvente, Fernando De La Cruz Molina Pico, Gonzalo Avetrani, Santiago Anziano, Maria Luisa Irigoyen, Nicole Tatschke“and/or any other person who may arise from this investigation,” according to the presentation.

The lawyer made the presentation, which will be drawn tomorrow, after having learned that there could be a alleged commission of crimes in the orbit of the Ministry of Human Capitalprecisely in the Secretary of Children.

He referred to the mechanism on the ways in which officials of the aforementioned portfolio distribute funds destined for the payment of contracts for “professionals” through agreements with recognized International organizations.

The excel spreadsheet

“A spreadsheet of excel where payments appear to a list of “contracted” that -according to what those who know the mechanisms explain- invoice the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) with public funds, for fulfill tasks within the framework of an agreement between the national public administration and the agencyhighlights the lack of transparent distribution mechanism of these resources,” the lawyer warned.

The maneuver would include hiring of alleged professionals unrelated to the areas of competence of the social portfolio; a retention of between 10 and 12 percent of the amounts received whose meaning and destiny are unknown; and a “net bag” and a “little box”, with pesos that are converted into dollars.

The complaint highlights that there would be an Excel spreadsheet where, according to journalist Mauro Federico, in which There would be a list of professionals who are hired by the OEI to provide professional services in projects in the portfolio directed by Sandra Pettovello.

This is a list where The fees that these people bill to collect their salaries are determined.through a very unusual accounting mechanism for public administration, according to the complaint.

As confirmed by the Data Clave portal cited in the complaint, “None of these people appear in the official databases of the ministry, nor do they frequent the facilities of the official agency. And what is even stranger: when the communications officials were consulted, They directly claimed “to have no idea of ​​its existence, nor to know any of the members of the list.”

All of them would bill monthly amounts ranging between 600,000 and 1,400,000 pesos and this record appears in the aforementioned table, kept in a file called “Plan 120 (FF)”, supposedly, according to the notes, it would be Federico Fernández, former director of Childhood.

The list accessed by the Data Clave media includes 18 hired, which annually represent approximately 250 million pesos. This mechanism would leave a spurious collection of u$s 120,000 (United States Dollars One Hundred and Twenty Thousand) per year.

As a result of the irregularities, the Minister of Human capital removed from his position the Secretary of Adolescence, Children and Family, of the Ministry of Human Capital, Pablo De la Torre and several officials from his team and motivated a presentation before the Anti-Corruption Office to investigate these irregularities.

The lawyer requested that the Anti-Corruption Office be sent a copy of the complaint and the file promoted by Pettovello.


The portfolio of Human Capital did not comply with a measure ordered by federal judge Sebastián Casanello that he had ordered Pettovello to present to the court a distribution plan for the food stored in the warehouse Villa Martelli. This disobedience was brought to the attention of the Federal Chamber.

On Wednesday there will be a hearing before Chamber II of the Chambersince the ministry appealed Casanello’s decision.

Meanwhile, the judge ordered “a order of presentation with seizure in subsidy” which was carried out this Saturday. The inspection was carried out because inconsistencies were detected between data reported to the magistrate in that case originating from the complaint of Juan Grabois and those that arise from another file of the contentious administrative jurisdiction.

Tucumán and the Tafí Viejo deposit

As it was found, in the warehouse of Tafí Viejo there are about 2.2 million kilos of food. In that province, a case promoted by organizations that are registered in the Registry of Community Dining Rooms and Picnic Areas (RENACOM).

Judge José Manuel Díaz Velez He also ordered a survey in that place, which was carried out by the Gendarmerie. There are no expired products, but about 2 million are in condition to be distributed.

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