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The Government reviews the million-dollar agreement between ACARA and the Ministry of Justice

He scandal over irregular hiring in the Secretariat of Children and Family that led to the departure of Pablo de la Torre and the complaint for alleged corruption made by the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovellorevived the discussion about what has been happening in the Ministry of Justice for more than three decades with the cooperating entity that administers the Association of Dealers of the Argentine Republic (ACARA) that, as he explained Clarion Last week, it hired more than half of the employees who work in the area and paid bonuses as “incentives” to about 70 agents.

Now, after the revelation made by journalist Ricardo Roa In this newspaper days ago, the Government of Javier Milei already Work on a plan to dismantle that million-dollar box from which numerous sources consulted agree that it has nourished not only Kirchnerism but also broad sectors of politics. The funds to be spent without the control of the AGN or the SIGEN exceed the 140 million dollars a year.

High official sources confirmed to Clarín that The Government set a deadline to “completely finish” with the system that is nourished by the purchase and sale of vehicles and other procedures carried out by Argentines in automotive registries throughout the country. The President’s order, as reported by Balcarce 50, is that In 2025, the funds that come in through these procedures will increase the budget national.

“It cannot be done from one day to the next, because it is a complex and dark system that operated for almost 40 years, since the time of (Raúl) Alfonsín, and that is designed so that no minister (of Justice) wants and can dismantle it. , because it means running out of personnel; but the idea is to change it and (Mariano) Cúneo Libarona is working on a plan with Milei. The date is 2025,” he assured. Clarion an unobjectionable source aware (in detail) of the Casa Rosada’s decision.

The topic, before the commotion over Human Capital contracts, was the subject of discussion at Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting. Cúneo Libarona, as this newspaper was able to corroborate, maintained a key meeting with the head of ACARA, Sebastián Beato from Formosa.

The minister told him that in order to manage the entity, his institution had to drop from 5% to 3.5% of the total amount it collects, and that it will move forward with a sharp cut in the payroll of contracts that no one knows about – not even ACARA. what task they do for the Ministry: “There are people that they tell us we have hired and that we don’t know what they do,” they explain in Justice, about the black hole that the cooperating entity represents.

To put it in numbers, according to the latest official data provided by Justice, There are 2,483 employees contracted by the ministry through ACARAso they do not go through biometric entry control.

The data contradicts what was stated by Ricardo Salomé, former president of ACARA, who in the midst of a harsh confrontation with his successor denounced days ago that the hired by his entity were almost double: he spoke of about “4,800 employees”.

But neither the reduction in the fees that ACARA receives nor the reduction in staff is something that worries Beato too much, at least that is what those who listened to him let on. Nor the compensation that, eventually, will have to be paid to those who were hired without a term and appear in a dependency relationship in ACARA.

A concern of the entity has to do with two steps that Cúneo Libarona could take. In principle, with an exhaustive technical audit on the expenses that were made from the cooperating entity during the Kirchner administration. As he pointed out Clarionunusual hirings were made in the entity, which are far from issues related to the functioning of the Ministry.

In the area of ​​Cúneo Libarona they received alerts of million-dollar agreements with universities, rentals of properties and vehicles whose use was not establishedand payments to ghost suppliers. There is already a cross-referencing of data carried out between Justice and Human Capital regarding the disbursement to certain cooperatives with exorbitant billing figures. Coincident or not, both ministers were questioned throughout the week, with versions that emerged from the Government. So much so that Milei had to intervene to clear up doubts.

The other great fear that exists in the entity that brings together official Dealers from all over the country is that the Government is preparing to repeal by decree laws 23,283 and 24,312, which are what allow it to continue functioning and operating with provinces and municipalities with similar agreements. the one he has with the Nation. According to sector sources, the revenue from these agreements would far exceed the business with the Nation.

In a quick survey carried out Clarionwhich consulted – and did not receive a response from ACARA – there are more than two dozen agreements between large districts, such as the Province of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza and the City of Buenos Aires (official sources admitted that there are agreements with three organizations and that keeps up to 10 percent of what it collects from paying fines on the books), and smaller districts, like Azul.

The services it provides vary: from forms to the interconnection of the database of fines and traffic records. Nothing that the different States cannot do.

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