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Regional unions show concern about new resources that will be voted on in ECMPO

Today, Monday, June 3, a new session of the Regional Commission for the Use of the Coastal Edge of Aysén is scheduled, where resources to claim Coastal Marine Spaces of Native Peoples (ECMPO) for the Huichas and Cisnes Islands will be voted on. Faced with this situation, various actors, such as local communities, artisanal fishermen, the port sector and tourism and aquaculture entrepreneurs, among others, have expressed their concern about their eventual approval, which were already rejected in the first instance by a vast majority.

One of these is the president of the Association of Aquaculture Industry Suppliers of the Aysén region, Katia Inostroza, who indicated that “we are concerned about the situation that is being experienced in Aysén, which has generated uncertainty in all of us who are part of it.” of the use of the coastal edge in the region. The decision that was made in February was forceful and well-founded, as recorded in the ECMPO file with votes and arguments of the mayors who represent the communities and territories, public services, maritime authority and productive sectors that have directly seen the effects generated by the presentation of these requests.”

It was on February 29 when the creation of ECMPO in Huichas and Cisnes Islands was put to the vote, with a total of spaces requested for more than 600,000 hectares, becoming the largest area processed to date.

Furthermore, the leader added that “our warning voice and why we are mobilizing again today is because it could be that the CRUBC commissioners change the vote and this would lead to its approval. That is to say, the entire process that was experienced is canceled and we return to the instance where the request of these ECMPOs would have to be reviewed again. This has never been an issue against the Lefkenche Law or against our native peoples, much less with the neighboring communities with which we live every day, but rather it is the extension. “Here there is a use and abuse of the weaknesses that the Lafkenche Law has.”

“The only thing we ask is that sanity and conscience be taken again in the voting by the councilors, especially by the public authorities, because without a doubt again a vote of this type would directly affect the productive development of the region, maintaining the economic fragility that is experienced, at least in the maritime area, which has us all in a very alert state regarding this situation,” stated the president of CorpAysén, Hernán Rebolledo.

Reference photograph: AgrupAysén

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