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What is known about the death of the 2-month-old baby in La Plata

What happened? Why did a child who was only two months old arrive at a hospital in La Plata with a skull fracture, a broken rib and other not-so-recent traumas? What situations were recorded inside a house on 517 and 122 streets, in Ringuelet, which became a scene of horror?

He baby died and there are several relatives in the spotlight. The most committed is the father, 30 years old, on whom there is a request for arrest as the alleged perpetrator of the crime of “homicide qualified by the link”, which was formulated by the prosecutor Juan Mennucci and which must now be resolved by the guarantee judge, Pablo. Raele.

The 17-year-old mother, meanwhile, was left at the disposal of the Juvenile Criminal Responsibility Jurisdiction, which for now has not validated any restrictive measure on her freedom of movement.

For Justice, the father of the child is the author of the crime / Web

The picture is completed by a grandfather and an uncle of the victim, aged 56 and 21 respectively, who passed through the Tolosa police station as detained persons, although, for the moment, they were left out of any judicial requirement.

In principle, according to qualified sources in the case, a context of family violence and vulnerability is suspected.

“All intersectionalities come together,” said an investigator with access to the file.

It should be noted that intersectionality refers to systemic inequalities that are shaped by the overlap of different social factors, such as gender, ethnicity and social class.

The same spokesperson acknowledged that the baby’s father and mother “are half-siblings.”

Also that “he lived with his half-brother and their father in an accepted relationship.”

It is not even ruled out that the girl could not be held accountable due to her mental health condition. “I would hear voices,” they graphed.


Are we witnessing a homicide? According to prosecutor Mennucci’s request, it seems so, but the autopsy result had two readings.

On the one hand, an informant commented that “the forensic study showed that no macroscopic injuries of violence of medical-legal interest were identified,” but another provided data that would clearly link the death to the head trauma.

Likewise, the first source surmised that “the rib fracture may correspond to the pressure of resuscitation tasks and the head trauma to a fall, which was not reported. “We are not saying that he was not hit, we are saying that the sequence must be investigated very thoroughly.”

The baby’s grandfather was one of those detained by the Police / Web

“Particularly, I am inclined towards a serious context and furthermore, according to what the officers who took part in the operation commented, no one shed a tear over what happened. It’s all very strange,” he added.

The initial information about this terrible episode came from the Gutiérrez Hospital, when it gave notice of the admission by guard, on Saturday around 7:30 p.m., of a two-month-old baby, who was carried by the father and who had a skull fracture and blows. of old date.

Although the official report referred to a rib fracture, the timing of that injury is under review.

In the midst of a critical context, it was decided to refer the child to the Children’s Hospital, where unfortunately his death occurred.

When the detectives asked about the presence of relatives at the care center, they indicated that the minor’s father, upon learning of the death, decided to leave the scene.

That’s why they sent mobile phones from the Patrol Command to the family farm, located between the highway, Arroyo El Gato and the El Mercadito neighborhood, where they picked up the baby’s father, mother, grandfather and uncle and took them away. to the sectional of 1 between 528 bis and 529.

Surely, there will be evidentiary gathering tasks, such as the receipt of testimonial statements.

“The contribution of the neighbors about what was happening inside that house can be essential,” they mentioned.

The victim’s uncle, 21, also stopped by the police station / Web

The investigation of the case remained in the sixth section, although it is likely that DDI personnel will take charge of the process.

The event generated great commotion in the City and also widespread repudiation on social networks.

Precisely, on his Facebook account, the father of the dead baby had a transcription of a fragment of the song Vivencias by Super Yei: “They want to see me bad, but I’m not going to let myself go. My heart is that of a warrior. These are the rules of the game. And whoever breaks them will pay.”

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