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They will march against femicides and the omnibus law

“In the very difficult context of adjustment, Women and the LGTIQNB+ community are the sector most affected by the economic situation generated by the government of Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel,” explained Mumala Mendoza.

And they added: “The enormous inflation, the growth of unemployment, the reduction and freezing of social programs without a budget in accordance with the vulnerabilities we experience, the lack of food in community spaces, the precariousness of the State, only deepen the poverty, destitution and inequality”. And they added: “The enormous inflation, the growth of unemployment, the reduction and freezing of social programs without a budget in accordance with the vulnerabilities we experience, the lack of food in community spaces, the precariousness of the State, only deepen the poverty, destitution and inequality”.

Not one less, march, mendoza, June, 2017 – 297825

Photo: Yemel Fil

In that sense, they recalled that “poverty reached 55% and indigence 18%”, an indicator that is even more serious among girls, boys and adolescents where, according to Unicef, almost 7 out of 10 are poor. On the other hand, they claim that “The fiscal surplus announced by the government was achieved with money from retirements and pensions”with cuts of “between 24% and 37%.”

Thus, they highlight that while “femicides, transvesticides, lesbicides and hate crimes show worrying numbers,” The national government “eliminates organizations, entities and, therefore, public policies aimed at preventing, punishing and eradicating sexist violence.”.

Specifically, from June 3, 2015 (date of creation of the Ni Una Menos movement), until May 30, 2024 The national registry of Femicide carried out by the “Women, Dissidents and Rights” Observatory of Mumala highlights that In Argentina there were 2,348 femicides. In this way, a femicide of women, lesbians, transvestites and trans people occurred every 33 hours.

For its part, so far in 2024 there have been 89 femicides in the country (1 every 40 hours) and 216 attempted femicides. There, 87 minors and adolescents were left without a mother. For its part, so far in 2024 there have been 89 femicides in the country (1 every 40 hours) and 216 attempted femicides. There, 87 minors and adolescents were left without a mother.

Ni Una Menos in the province of Mendoza

Mumala Mendoza explained to Sitio Andino that the march will take place at 18 at km 0 and will have Plaza Independencia as its final point.

“At Mumala, with a focus on popular feminism and working within the territory, we feel deeply outraged at the current situation in Argentina. The colleagues who work in the picnic areas are witnesses of the daily drama“: families that cannot access basic food, children with all kinds of deficiencies, mothers who work hard to make ends meet,” said Renata Salatino, coordinator of the group.

Asked about how it affects food situation and the national government’s policies on canteensSalatino assured that “a criminalization of the picnic areas is being carried out because”many are run by women“.

“Many women continue to support these spaces even though they do not receive a glass of milk or food. However, the persecution that is taking place complicates their work in the neighborhoods because many begin to distrust them, they are targeted, and their socio-community work, in the midst of this crisis, it is essential,” he said.

And he continued: “Meanwhile, the current government, far from providing solutions, limits women’s rights and cuts or blocks food items for soup kitchens, provoking, violating and threatening as everyday language.” And he continued: “Meanwhile, the current government, far from providing solutions, limits women’s rights and cuts or blocks food items for soup kitchens, provoking, violating and threatening as everyday language.”

March niunamenos, ni una menos, Mendoza, June – 519742

Photo: Cristian Lozano

In this sense, they explained that the main problems they face in the province are the lack of budget items and the elimination of the Acompañar Plan. “This provided an economic amount for women and dissidents to escape situations of gender violence. Here in Mendoza we have not received it since November“said Salatino.

The lack of help to escape the context of gender violence adds to the serious crisis that the country is experiencing. “It’s getting harder and harder to get out.” The lack of help to escape the context of gender violence adds to the serious crisis that the country is experiencing. “It’s getting harder and harder to get out.”

Another of the points through which they will march is the invisibilization at the government level of sexual diversity. “The category of Ministry is degraded, and now it is no longer ‘of Women, Gender and Sexual Diversity’ but only of Women. To this we must add the trigger of the elimination of Inadi.”

“We cannot help but remember the triple lesbicide in Barracas, Buenos Aires, following a homo hating person who threw a Molotov cocktail at them. At the same time, the government makes jokes saying that the word ‘lesbicide’ does not exist in the dictionary,” he noted.

In general terms, Mumalá stated that tomorrow they will march against “the hate speeches of Javier Mileiwho targets feminists and members of the LGTIQNB+ community.”

“His hate speech is becoming very strong and we have examples of how this is translated into reality,” concluded one of Mumalá Mendoza’s coordinators. “His hate speech is becoming very strong and we have examples of how this is translated into reality,” concluded one of Mumalá Mendoza’s coordinators.

You may also be interested in reading: Femicide in Mendoza: they gave life to a man who stabbed his ex to death

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