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The keys to survival and a possible contradiction: new details emerge after the discovery of Jasna Oyarzún

The mysterious case of Jasna Oyarzún, the 31-year-old who appeared after a long search in Punta Arenas, generates more doubts than certainty.

It should be remembered that the woman was found with her dog last Friday, May 31, after spending 12 days missing. They caught her in a forest far from the city and where low temperatures reign.

How did he survive?

According to the first antecedents, he was a caretaker of the Faro San Isidro inn who found Jasna. She would have asked him for water.

Evidently prepared, in her backpack the woman carried lemons, fruits and food for her dog. According to her, she detailed The Austral Pressit was camping in the forest, but was forced to ask for the vital element.

As expected, the caretaker recognized the young woman (whose face had appeared in the local media for several days) and notified the authorities. The Maritime Police and the Marine Corps soon arrived.


When they told her that they had been looking for her for days, she responded with some incoherence, and swore that only He had gone for a walk with his backpack and his dog.

“The expedition and its prelude are still strange. Her family assured that she had made them aware of persecutions. On the other hand, she pointed out that she did not like going to the countryside. Although everything seems to indicate, judging by the clothes she was wearing, a warm jacket and food for her dog, fruit in her backpack and even a tent, that she actually planned the trip.”indicated the aforementioned media, realizing that it would have been much more than a simple “walk.”

For the moment, the investigation of the case remains in the hands of Carabineros, who must determine the circumstances under which this strange “disappearance” occurred.

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