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Hooded men murdered a young man when he arrived at a party on a farm in Floridablanca

Around 3 a.m. on this holiday Monday, June 3, residents of the Casiano and Los Cauchos villages, in the rural area of ​​Floridablanca, behind the Álvaro Gómez Hurtado stadium, heard several gunshots.

At the scene, two young people who were riding a motorcycle were injured by a subject who was waiting for them on the road and who after committing the criminal action escaped with an accomplice.

The two injured were referred to the Floridablanca Hospital and due to the severity of the injuries to other healthcare facilities in the Bucaramanga metropolitan area.

One of them, José Gregorio David Díaz, 21 years old, was the fatal victim. He died while receiving medical attention. The other, a 22-year-old young man identified as Kevin Alejandro Márquez Sequera, is stable and out of danger.

Precisely, the survivor of this attack told the authorities that they are Venezuelan citizens and were going to a party on a farm in the early hours of the morning.

“They were on a blue TVS motorcycle. According to the survivor, they were heading to a farm located behind the Floridablanca stadium in order to party at a party. When they got out of the vehicle, two hooded individuals were waiting for them and without saying a word they shot at their humanity,” the Police said.

The authorities’ report indicated that it could be a case of social intolerance, but they are waiting to hear some testimonies and evidence to know if there was a previous discussion between the victims and their attackers.

An aunt of José Gregorio assured Q’hubo that he lived in hotels in the center of Bucaramanga and two years ago he had arrived in Colombia. He came from the Yaracuy state in the neighboring country, was single without children and was dedicated to selling cell phones and accessories.

“A friend of his called me and told me that a shootout broke out on that farm. The truth is he lived here alone. From time to time we talked, his mother is in Venezuela. We don’t know what happened and we only ask for justice, we will take the body, when they give it to us, to Venezuela,” said the family member.

Those who reside in that rural sector of Floridablanca expressed that in the place they are used to holding ‘mini libraries’ on farms after midnight, which is known as an ‘after party’.

“It is normal that many properties in that sector rent them out for parties. We don’t know what permits they have, but many young people are seen arriving in the early hours of the morning on weekends, it will be up to the authorities to determine what happens in those places,” said a resident of the sector.

The CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office was in charge of collecting evidence at the scene of the hitman attack and removing the body of the murdered young man to transfer it to the Bucaramanga Institute of Legal Medicine where the forensic procedures will take several days because he is a foreign citizen.

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