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Argentina presented in the European Union a system to guarantee the export of beef free of deforestation

The livestock and meat chain, centered on the Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (IPCVA), presented at the residence of the Argentine Embassy to the European Union (in Brussels, Belgium) asystem that allows us to meet the requirements of the European bloc integrated into the VISEC platform (Gran Chaco Sector Vision).

This tool ensures thatThe shipments that reach European markets will come from non-deforested livestock farms, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 (EUDR) of the European Union, approved in mid-2023 and which will enter into force on December 30, 2024.

From Argentina they hope that this Regulation, being a unilateral and autonomous measure implemented by the EU, does not affect normal trade flows towards said market and does not become an access barrier.

Presentation in Brussels. From left to right, Gastón Funes (Agricultural Councilor in the European Union), Constanza Crespo, (head of the Economic and Commercial Section of the Argentine Embassy to the EU) and Jorge Grimberg and Mario Ravettino (IPCVA).

“This is a successful work of the private sector articulated with the public. “Argentina is one of the first countries to present the plan that will allow it to maintain the market with the European Union,” spokesman Manuel Adorni remarked at the press conference, anticipating what was going to happen in Brussels.

According to the official, this market revolves around the 49,300 tons of meat per year, which represents about US$ 490 million annually.

Argentina already carried out the first pilot test with a shipment of meat exported to Germany on May 15, in addition to the pilot tests with soybeans, another of the Argentine export products that must comply with the new legislation. Viterra had completed the first export of soy flour from fields free of deforestation.

At the opening of the event held in Brussels, the Secretary of Bioeconomy of Argentina, Fernando Vilellahighlighted the differential attributes of Argentine production that are able to respond to new consumer demands linked to quality, nutrition and the environment.

Jorge Grimbergpresident of the IPCVA, said that “through the new VISEC Meat system and its natural production characteristics, Argentina is consolidating itself as one of the leading countries in sustainable production.”

“The Institute works not only to open markets but also to strongly value Argentine meat, which we consider it the best in the world“said Grimberg. “Argentina is one of the few countries in the world where the animal spends 80 or 90% of its life grazing and outdoors,” he added.

While, Mario Ravetinovice president of the IPCVA and president of the ABC Consortium, assured that “compliance with this EU regulation is essential to maintain and develop the market that demands the highest value premium cuts.”

VISEC Platform

VISEC is a platform that aims to reduce the potential negative impact of Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 on Argentine exports, through a rigorous traceability and certification system.

CIARA-CEC meeting with the EU DG Environment in Brussels; with the embassy, ​​the IPCBA and the ABC.

VISEC Carnes carries out traceability from the establishments of origin of the cattle, at the breeding and fattening level, including the entire marketing stage, until processing and export to the EU, ensuring that it comes from sources free of deforestation and complies with the laws. relevant local and international

HE They issue certificates confirming the sustainable origin of meat and leather, using georeferenced technology for greater precision and reliability. For each shipment of beef to the European Union, a Deforestation Free Product Certificate (CLD) will be issued as evidence that the biomass meets the requirements established in European regulations, backed in turn by a rigorous documentation and validation with Blockchain technology.

The certificate will be issued by verification organizations authorized by VISEC, in accordance with recognized international standards. The CLDs may be used by exporters and importers as proof of conformity before the authorities of the EU member countries, within the framework of the due diligence that they must comply with.

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