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Young people from an important global platform visit Cuba – Radio Guantánamo

Young people of the IV Youth Brigadeassociated with the International People’s Assemblybegan a visit to Cuba, revealed today the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

According to an official report, the brigade is made up of more than 100 citizens, most of them from the United States, and will carry out a program outlined by the Institute itself and the Martin Luther King Center.

Among the young people there are also from nations in Asia and Africa, who will visit the Fidel Castro Center and exchange with ICAP representatives.

Likewise, they will talk with members of the Martin Luther King Center and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to exchanging with workers, scientists, young Cubans and students from the Latin American School of Medicine.

The International People’s Assembly (IPA) is an internationalist process that builds unity around anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, ecology, feminism and anti-racism.

He considers the strength of solidarity with the working class and internationalism very important to transform society.

More than 200 left-wing organizations, movements and parties are united on that platform and, together, they promote mobilizations, political training and research.

In addition, it creates media and holds a battle of ideas around the world.

The IV Youth Brigade, organized by the United States chapter of the AIP, has among its campaigns one of solidarity with the island, Cuba lives and resists, and another of support for the people of Palestine.

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