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«For me the greatest reward was the hug from José Ignacio and his gratitude for saving his life»

Monday, June 3, 2024, 17:46

| Updated 8:17 p.m.

It was not a good time this Monday, June 3, at the Institutional Warehouse of La Grajera, during the delivery of the Civil Protection Merit medals. Very grateful, but almost anguished by having to go out into the spotlight to receive recognition that he does not believe he deserves. Antonio Segur Alviz was one of the civil guards who was on duty on October 3 of last year at the Palace of Justice, in Logroño, and who with his actions saved the life of a citizen whose heart attack was about to kill him. shortly after collapsing to the ground. The agent applied up to three defibrillator shocks and worked for six long minutes to snatch him from the clutches of death. He achieved it and that is why, from today, the award hangs on his chest, made of bronze and with a distinctive red, the color that recognizes heroism or solidarity, a mention intended for those anonymous and capeless, but essential heroes.

«For the military, with our duty fulfilled it is enough for us. That day I didn’t even have time to think, I acted as I had to, without further ado. I am very grateful for this recognition, but for me the most important award, the greatest, was given to me by José Ignacio when, after some time, having recovered, he appeared at the Palace of Justice and we were able to give each other a hug and he thanked me for having given him saved my life,” he says.

He has not forgotten that day and believes that he will never bury it. «You have to act without thinking because a person dies and that moment is critical. It was quite complicated, it took almost six minutes and I had to shock him three times with the defibrillator. The first minute seems eternal, the others a little less, but the first was terrible because I could see that it was going away,” explains the agent who, in addition to the training he has received in cardiopulmonary resuscitation by the Civil Guard, enjoys a very special counselor at home: “My daughter is a cardiologist and she has always insisted to me: ‘Dad, minute zero is very important, get on top of it and do CPR because every minute that passes there are many more complications.'”

«We, from the academy, carry in our DNA the motto of honor, loyalty and sacrifice»

Antonio Segur Alviz

decorated civil guard

“When I retire, after 46 years of service, I will continue doing the same, helping without thinking and caring for those who need me”

He did not hesitate and saved the life of another human being. “This is basic and they had to teach it in schools because this would save many people,” he insists to once again downplay the importance of his altruistic act: “I did what I had to do, without further ado. We, from the academy, carry in our DNA the motto of honor, loyalty and sacrifice and I don’t care whether I am dressed in green, with the uniform, or in civilian clothes, I will always act the same, you carry that vocation of service and help within you. . That’s why I always say that my colleagues, the force, and also my family have made me be a better civil guard, but also a better person.”

Born 62 years ago in the Extremaduran municipality of Nuñomoral (Cáceres), in September he will celebrate 43 years in the Civil Guard, the last 34 in La Rioja, where he arrived for the first time in 1982, to, after a decade in Álava, return definitively to the community in 1992. «Since my daughter was born here I decided to stay in La Rioja, a good land, and I will continue here when I retire, although I still have three years left. I will hang up my uniform after 46 years of service, but I will continue doing the same, helping without thinking and caring for those who need me, that is how it has always been and that is how it will be, because, as they say, if it is easy anyone can do it, but If it is difficult, call the Civil Guard,” he concludes to attend to several colleagues from the body who are waiting to convey their congratulations.

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