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Brothers who burned alive a minor under 15 years of age are sentenced to 58 years in prison

The events occurred in El Carmen de Chucurí, after having had an argument with the minor.

Photo: Prosecutor’s Office

Carlos Andrés and Emerson Godoy López were sentenced to 58 years in prison for burning alive a 15-year-old minor and seriously injuring another 16-year-old. It was possible to prove that the brothers were responsible for the events, after arguing with their victims.

The events occurred on May 22, 2022, in the Angostura village of El Carmen de Chucurí, Santander. There, according to what the Prosecutor’s Office was able to investigate, the Godoy López brothers had an argument with the teenagers, “whom they blamed for being responsible for a theft.”

The investigating entity maintains that the brothers, in addition to hitting the young people, “attacked them with sharp weapons, threw them to the ground and let gasoline from a motorcycle spill on them.” The evidence shows that, later, the Godoys set them on fire.

In the events, the 15-year-old victim died and the other managed to escape and be taken to a care center. There, the surviving victim underwent surgery and survived the serious injuries sustained.

Carlos Andrés, 18 years old; and Emerson Godoy López, 20 years old, were declared by a judge to be responsible for the crimes of homicide and attempted homicide and arson, all of which were aggravated.

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