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The Rojos SLP divide triumphs in their visit to the León Cubs – El Sol de San Luis

With 2 wins, 2 losses and a draw, the Rojos SLP began their preseason in the territory of the León Cubs, heading toward the start of the season. American Football League of the State of Mexico, AC

In the Babys category, that are from among 6 and 7 years, the Reds SLP They put their heart into the game and almost took the victory, but the Cubs stopped them and finished with a 52-52 on the scoreboard.

Los Rojos SLP of the category Rabbits were the ones who lost 20-0 a result that may look bad, but that gives them experience to improve and polish details in the next duel at home.

In the category Hornets, between 11 and 12 years old, the potosinos fell 26-0 They return with defeat, but in no way with their morale down. since they have time to prepare for their next duel and raise their faces soon.

In the category of between 13 and 14 years old called Falcón, the Potosinos showed their potential by defeating the Cubs 13-8 and with this they return home with high spirits for the second game.

In what is the category Ponies, the Reds SLP, They put up a good fight and despite the intense heat, They managed to defeat the León Cubs 36-6 and thus be ready for whatever comes in the season.

In the next commitment of the Rojos SLP teams, they will host Vikingos de Aguascalientes on June 8 on the fields of the Polytechnic University.

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