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3J march in Santa Fe: “More hunger, more deaths”

Monday 3.6.2024


Last update 19:34

Dressed in black and under the motto “More hunger, more deaths,” a new 3J march took place this Monday, from Plaza del Soldado to Plaza 25 de Mayo in the city of Santa Fe. Like every year, the women’s and diversities took to the streets to ask for “Not one less.”

“The femicidal, lesbofemicidal and transfemicidal violence that does not stop is already killing us; also poverty and the lack of the State guaranteeing basic rights,” said the statement of the call.

“The objective is the same as always, every year: to stop killing us, to give up the policies that end up adding to inequality. One of today’s slogans is ‘more hunger, more deaths’. So today, the The claim is for empathy, first. Also for public policies, for the distribution of food, for actions that continue to protect us and not leave us unprotected. Because we do not want even one more death,” Carina Depaoli, Claudia Baigorria, asked during the march. Norma Porucznik and Solange Echeverría, members of the Ni Una Menos Santa Fe Table.

Since June 3, 2015, this is the ninth march that has been held in the country, when the femicide of Chiara Páez occurred, which caused a great impact and prompted the first call. The teenager from Santa Fe was 14 years old and pregnant when she was beaten to death by Manuel Mansilla, 17, on May 10 of that year.

Like every year, he marched from Plaza del Soldado to Plaza 25 de Mayo. Credit: Manuel Fabatia

“For Chiara Páez, we do not forget her. For Pamela, for Roxana, for Andrea, the three lesbians murdered in the Barracas lesbicide,” they added.

The members of the Board pointed out that each march is marked by a period atmosphere. “This is a moment in which for different reasons there is hate speech, which in some way is generating a bidding with this issue. It is not understood, it is trivialized, we continue discussing whether we wash the dishes or not. Today we had to endure that a man passed by on a bicycle and told us ‘go work’. We told him ‘that’s what we want, work’, and the man made the gesture of practicing oral sex. These things continue to happen to us and therefore we have a lot left. of work to be done”.

“The province of Santa Fe, unfortunately, maintains very high statistics at the country level: there are already 15 femicides so far this year,” said the organizers of the march. Credit: Manuel Fabatia

Although they highlighted that in these 9 years, “we have advanced, we have conquered a Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversities – which Milei’s chainsaw came to eliminate -, we are defending and fighting to reconquer those spaces.”

“Not these policies”

Particularly, this year, national policies and high poverty rates – which reached 55% and indigence rates at 18% – are in the spotlight, or indicators such as that almost 7 out of every 10 children are poor, according to Unicef.

“When they tell us what can be done to prevent femicides, precisely what is being done now is not. We need more and more active policies to prevent this, because when a woman dies, she leaves many children and a family destroyed. Instead, we want active programs that reach the neighborhoods, where women now do not even have enough to eat,” they denounced. And they made it clear that “the province of Santa Fe, unfortunately, maintains very high statistics at the country level: there are already 15 femicides so far this year.”

The Board also expressed solidarity with the workers of the Secretariat of Women, Gender and Diversity of the Province who declared themselves in a state of alert regarding the possibility of a ruling that would dismiss 48 more workers, who would join the 24 laid off last January. In this sense, they asked that the full implementation of Provincial Law No. 13,348, on Comprehensive Protection to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate violence against women, be sustained.

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