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Due to the economic situation there will not be a barbecue for the “gauchaje” but there will be

Preparations began to pay tribute to the national hero Martín Miguel de Güemes, in the month in which his passage to immortality is commemorated. That is why, from the Traditionalist Group of Salta, Gauchos de Güemes, they announced that the participation of more than 9 thousand gauchos is expected, who will participate in the parade in his honor. In addition, he said that the “Guard Under the Stars” this time will also have the accompaniment of the Infernal Gauchos. Meanwhile, he highlighted that this year due to the Government’s austerity decree, given the difficult economic situation, they will not be able to count on the “traditional barbecue” to serve the gauchaje that I participated, but they will have support from the province to make them a locro. .

Preparations began to pay tribute to the national hero Martín Miguel de Güemes, in the month in which his passage to immortality is commemorated. That is why, from the Traditionalist Group of Salta, Gauchos de Güemes, they announced that the participation of more than 9 thousand gauchos is expected, who will participate in the parade in his honor. In addition, he said that the “Guard Under the Stars” this time will also have the accompaniment of the Infernal Gauchos. Meanwhile, he highlighted that this year due to the Government’s austerity decree, given the difficult economic situation, they will not be able to count on the “traditional barbecue” to serve the gauchaje that I participated, but they will have support from the province to make them a locro. .

In dialogue with El Tribuno, the president of the Traditionalist Group of Salta, Gauchos de Güemes, Julio de los Ríos, expressed: “We have been making all the preparations for this Güemesian month. We are going to start the 7th with an event in Plaza Belgrano, from there we will march towards the Quebrada de la Horqueta, to the Macacha Güemes monolith, where a floral delivery and allusive words will be made. From there we continue with the march towards the quarry passing through the Industrial Park, there will be a small breakfast and we will continue towards the ravine.”

Provincial decree of unavailable funds

And he highlighted: “This year is going to be quite special, since we have the government decree saying that there are no funds available. This also affected us, at Finca la Cruz there will be no reception nor in La Quebrada, where before a locro was held. But this year I don’t know what will happen, so we ask the gauchos who participate to prepare their saddlebags.”

Then, he added: “You already know that, since we had anticipated it and now it is finalized. In the Quebrada there will be the infernales music band where the national anthem will be sung, there will be a response, allusive words, and there the gauchaje will deconcentrate.”

Meanwhile, regarding the traditional “Guard Under the Stars”, he said that it will begin at the same time as always, except that this time the infernals will be accompanying until 00. And from there the official changing of the guard will take place, then the song of the National anthem and subsequent deconcentration.

They will not do barbecue but they will offer locro to the “gauchaje”

Regarding the traditional barbecue that was offered to the gauchaje, Julio de Los Ríos explained: “In the Group we have taken the lead in this and we do not expect them to take charge like previous years. But we do know that we are going to have support from them, from the Government of the province, to face and receive all the gauchaje, at the headquarters of Lomas de Medeiro. Where we will offer them a locro, that is, we are going to change the roast for the locro.”

And he added: “We adapt to the current situation, since I believe that our gauchaje does not participate in June 17 for a plate of locro or a barbecue, but rather comes to pay tribute to Martín Miguel de Güemes.” He then commented that for all the people who will go to lunch at the Group’s property, they will also have a “pialada.”

“We expect many people to attend. Due to the number of people who were registering, it was estimated that we will have an average of 9 thousand gauchos in the parade. There could be more, since they are numbers that have passed us by at the moment.” And he expressed: “These are very important dates for us, all the gauchaje are really looking forward to this month to pay honors to our General. The truth is that we see day by day how the number of gauchos and their willingness to honor our Gaucho Hero increases,” concluded the President of the Traditionalist Group of Salta, Gauchos de Güemes.

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