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Drummond launches project to strengthen bilingualism in students of the Cesar mining corridor

In the municipality of The Jagua of Ibirico, the multinational Drummond launched the pilot project to Strengthen Bilingualism Competencieswith which they seek to strengthen the learning of the English language in students from different educational institutions in the municipalities of the mining corridor in the department of Cesar.

The project started by prioritizing 50 students from Agustín Codazzi, Becerril, El Paso, La Jagua de Ibirico and Chiriguaná, for a total of 250 students, who are being trained in grades six to eight of basic secondary school.

At Drummond we are proud to announce our commitment to strengthening bilingualism in the mining corridor of the Cesar department. We believe in the transformative power of language knowledge and its ability to open doors to a future full of opportunities.said Amalí Blanco Bohórquez, corporate social responsibility project coordinator at Drummond Ltd.

The implementation of the bilingualism project will be in charge of the Andean Area University, meaning development for the municipalities of the Cesar department.

“We want to extend the invitation to the municipalities of the life corridor, so that more students can join in learning English, something that will lead them to have better opportunities in this era of globalization.“, expressed Leonardo Hernández Cataño, mayor of La Jagua de Ibirico.


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