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José Alperovich’s statement: “I did not abuse her, I am a living dead”

The former governor of Tucumán, Joseph Alperovichconfirmed his innocence in front of the judge Ramos Padilla in the case in which he is accused of sexual abuse of his niece, while indicating that it is an economic and political motive. Furthermore, he indicated that He is “a living dead” following the complaint.

“I came before you today because I want in some way for you to clear up your doubts, at the disposal of the prosecutor, of the complaints. There was an economic motive and a political motive, the idea is that you can show your face, and that this will be can clarify,” he declared this Monday in the Oral Criminal Court No. 29. Likewise, the politician stated: “I didn’t abuse Flor, that’s a lie. “I am a 70-year-old man.”

The trial against José Alperovich continues: the prosecutor asked to arrest three witnesses for false testimony

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The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

The case originated after the complaint of a niece of the former senator, who worked as his secretary and collaborator in his political space and who She said she had been attacked repeatedly between 2017 and 2019during the electoral campaign that Alperovich would finally lose against Juan Manzur.

About how he lives after the complaint, Alperovich expressed: “I wouldn’t wish what is happening to me on my worst enemy. I defend the victims who have to be defended with respect to everything, but for five years I have been suffering by all means ‘Alperovich rapist‘, and the truth is that it changed my life, doctor.”

And he added: “Maybe no one is interested in this, but events like these change your life. I am a living dead, thank God I have my family, but it is destroyed. “I come to get all the doubts cleared up, and my greatest wish is that at the end of this the truth is known.”

“Your Judge, all this makes me angry. Because what I am experiencing I wouldn’t wish on even the worst enemy. I swear it by the most sacred thing. This is worse than death. And when you know that you haven’t done anything… But hey, I trust doctor, I trust,” the accused insisted.

The trial against Alperovich began: her complainant declared that she was abused during campaign events

Besides, He added to his testimony that the complaint is “armed.” “I never called her niece. Nor did she call me uncle. Never. She wants to establish that I was a prostitute for the secretary. All this is set up. For five years they have been calling me violin in the press,” he said.

In addition to this, the former governor also went down the same path of his defense and confirmed that it is a cause with an economic and political motive promoted by the national deputy. Carlos Cisneros, from the Banking Association in Tucumán. “This is put together so that it has significance in Buenos Aires. He is politically armed. I have no doubts about all that.“He continued with his claim.

The relationship with his niece: “She became a woman of my absolute trust”

In response to a question from his defender, the accused declared that he met the complainant when she was 27 years old: “She is the daughter of a cousin of mine, with whom I had an excellent relationship, I remember that I accompanied him until the death of his father. We had a good relationship. But I saw her for the first time at the end of 2017, when He showed up at my house because he wanted to join the campaign.“.

He also stated that the victim “stated that he came from a relative, but that is not true.” “She communicated with my daughter Sarita in the basement of the Government House, where she had a permanent position, and He asked him if he wanted to come help me.”, he clarified.

And he added: “I give everyone opportunities because in politics you add up and prove if it works or not. I was already on an election campaign, so I said yes. I had not had personal contact with her before, I had never seen her. When I said yes, I also told him ‘your growth will depend on you‘. Because every person who wants to grow in politics does not only need to reach a position, but also learn about politics, economics….”

They revealed a call from Alperovich to the uncle of the young woman who reported him for abuse: “How much is this going to cost me?”

Regarding the victim, Alperovich described her as an empowered woman: “She was a strong woman. She managed everything. Many times they harassed me because she managed everything. She became a woman of my absolute trust. “He was a great political team,” said the former senator.

If she said I abused her so many times, why did she continue working? I don’t understand. “All this is part of a big lie,” he continued with his claim. Minutes before his statement and during his arrival at the courts of the City of Buenos Aires, Alperovich was waited for by several people shouting “justice” and “rapist“.

In reference to the alleged “asymmetry of power” that the accusation maintains in relation to the link between the former governor and the complainant, he stated: “If we talk about asymmetry of power, there would be more asymmetry of power between FL with me than between her and her leaders, because he had them all screwed up. Everyone had to go to her. And it was not an impoverished personality. To be number two in the campaign, she didn’t just handle herself like that. Everyone had to turn to her. Not only the leaders, but the technical teams.”

The repercussion of the complaint: “This has killed me, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to live”

Before completing the defense’s interrogation, the accused stated: “This has killed me. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to live. Maybe journalists and people are not interested in this, but this is tremendous. I feel so helpless, because one has to make the effort to look for evidence of something one has not done. It’s tremendous. I’m not the same person. And I don’t know if I’m going to be the same person… I have 11 grandchildren who come to visit me, two twins who are my life, but I tell Sarita: ‘Look, don’t bring them to me because I’m going to give them bad vibes right now.’”.

“You lose everything… I agree that the victim must be defended. And I would tell him that the abuser must be killed, because there is no need to forgive him. But I’ve been talking about this abusive uncle, the violinist, for five years. A big lie. The media has torn me to pieces, always with fake titles. It is very painful. That is why today I came before you to tell my truth, so that the doubt is removed. Because I didn’t abuse her”, he concluded.

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