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The San José pavilion will have wooden sports flooring

The Tomelloso City Council, through the Municipal Sports Area, has responded to a demand from users of the San José municipal sports hall, mainly from the Tomelloso Basketball Club. To this end, a project is being carried out that includes changing the surface of the playing court for a higher quality of sports practice. A wooden sports floor has been chosen for the practice of any type of indoor sport, mainly for basketball, a surface endorsed by the FEB and FIBA ​​quality seal.

This is a very important improvement that will involve an investment from municipal own funds of just over €100,000 to change the 1,500 m² of track surface of this facility. In about 15 days, the execution of this project will be completed, which includes maintaining all sports disciplines in terms of the lines of play that are going to be painted on the new surface.

The project states that there will be three surface layers that are being installed. On the one hand, a layer of panel with a plastic finish, a second of plywood panels and the third of plastic material to ensure waterproofing and protection of the playing surface.

Among other sports and school activities that take place throughout the year, the San José pavilion is intended for the activity of the teams of the Tomelloso Basketball Club and the Municipal Basketball School for both training and official matches. This club has two Senior teams, one in the National League and the other in the 1st Autonomous League and a Junior team.

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