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They ask for donations for children of Santiago de Cuba

Through social networks, a request for help circulated for a group of children and their families in precarious conditions in Santiago de Cuba.

The call was launched by Yankiel Fernández on his Facebook account, where he also shared photographs of the minors, evidencing the difficult situation they are currently going through.

“The images speak for themselves, I need the help of all of you. My people, we continue collecting donations for La Sierra Maestra, and four more of the most intricate towns in Santiago de Cuba,” Fernandez said.

Likewise, he emphasized that any help, no matter how minimal it may seem, will always be welcome and will greatly contribute to this noble cause.

It is important to emphasize that donations will be collected until June 10, and if you are able or want to help, you can contact Yankiel Fernández through this platform.

Likewise, he shared the following accounts: 9224 9598 7881 8648 CUP; 9225 9598 7553 4866 MLC, and the telephone number 58-04-77-06 for any information.

“Remember that any help, no matter how little it may seem, is a great blessing for those places where children do not know what it is to enjoy candy, things that are that simple. Until the 10th we will be collecting donations,” he noted.

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Donations can range from clothing, non-perishable food, hygiene products and medicines, to school supplies, candy or toys.

There are many children in the largest of the Antilles who, sadly, cannot enjoy their innocence because of the misery imposed by the Castro regime.

At such a young age, the little ones in the house must face hunger and poverty, instead of doing things that correspond to a child.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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