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“Water for Santa Marta is the main axis for 500 years”: Planning Secretariat

With less than 420 days left until Santa Marta celebrates its fifth centenary, the current administration of the city is clear about the problems that need an immediate solution, as Patricia Caicedo Lafaurie, Secretary of Planning, showed, who stated that for the 500 years of the district hope to deliver the short-term works that are proposed in the Development Plan to provide a solution to the water shortage suffered by all Samarians.

“We cannot think of a developed city, of a city that is going to grow, that is going to be enhanced in sustainability, in tourism or in any line, if we do not solve this great problem that the city has historically had and that is the issue of supply. of drinking water.” Patricia Caicedo Lafaurie expressed.

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“The project has two names, the first is the Aqueduct and Sewer Master Plan, for the first time we are thinking that Santa Marta has a long-term aqueduct project that understands what the growth vision of the city is and that is directed towards There, it is a project that was left in the Infrastructure portfolio that will be in charge of designing and executing the project.” The Planning Secretary stated.

The head of the portfolio stated that they are in dialogue with the national government to finance this project that will provide a solution to the water problem in Santa Marta, since it is a project that the district cannot do alone.

Patricia Caicedo

Patricia Caicedo stated that the ‘Santa Marta 500+’ Development Plan contemplates the transfer of the Mamatoco drinking water plant to the Curval sector.

“With the transfer of the plant to Curval, what we are looking for is: one Improve the capture; two reduce the loss. Today, Santa Marta, the figures for water losses in the farms and neighborhoods that before the Mamatoco plant are very high, so there we sit down to review, we have water, but it is water that we are losing and that we can take to the Samarian homes.” The secretary stated.

“Investing in recovering the northern Ebar is a priority, since the infrastructure is quite technically precarious, which has set off the Ministry’s alarm, because if it collapses it would lead us to a quite difficult situation.” Patricia Caicedo stated.

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The portfolio manager also referred to the construction of an Ebar for the Bureche sector, because the city was growing there and currently there is a deficit to treat wastewater in that sector.

In addition to stating that the town of Taganga will have two desalination plants that will mitigate the lack of water in that population that does not have a nearby tributary that can supply them.

These projects are stipulated in the ‘Santa Marta 500+’ Development Plan, which was approved by the district council. Citizens hope that solutions can be given to the most urgent problems and that they will be carried out by the city’s anniversary. most of these.

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