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CONFLICT MEDIATORS CÓRDOBA | A total of 150 students are trained in schools and institutes in Córdoba to be conflict mediators

A total of 150 students are trained in schools and institutes in Córdoba to be conflict mediatorsCORDOVA

The territorial delegate of Social Inclusion, Families, Youth and Equality, Dolores Sánchez, together with the head of the Andalusian Youth Institute, Carmen Maria Arcoshave visited the Final meeting of the Mediator Assistant Student Network 2024 that, during the days June 3 and 4is developing in the Youth Hostel Muriano Hillin Cordovacapital.

The meeting, which has brought together 150 schoolchildren from the province of Córdobahas been organized by the School Coexistence and Equality Cabinet of the Provincial Delegation of Educational Development and Vocational Training within the program for the Innovation and Learning Improvement, CIMA Programin which different departments of the Junta of Andalusia.

With the support of psychologists

“The students attend this meeting voluntarily to train and be mediators in the field of their center educational”, explained the territorial person responsible for Inclusion. “The psychologists give them tools to identify conflicts and problems in the classrooms and thus develop functions of help, information and support to their classmates with the purpose of improving school coexistence”, he concludes.

Meeting to promote conflict mediators in schools and institutes in Córdoba, held at the Cerro Muriano Youth Hostel.

The topic for this final meeting has been the use of social networks through the workshop titled And how do you get tangled? which has been contracted by the Andalusian Youth Institute in Córdoba and taught by the research group of the University of Seville IASEDfocused on research on coexistence and violence among adolescents: school bullying and cyberbullying with special emphasis on social networks.

The use of social networks

“He Use of the social network It is one of the most worrying today in the face of youth,” said Sánchez. “In the lives of young people, the use of social networks has taken on a oversized magnitude and is affecting in many waysto mental health, emotional well-being or the lack of social skills,” added the delegate.

Meeting to promote conflict mediators in schools and institutes in Córdoba, held at the Cerro Muriano Youth Hostel.

In this final training meeting “it should be noted that the voluntary students from primary and secondary courses have joined, which is very positive that the little ones are leaving joining these healthy habits and help in mediating conflicts in the classrooms”, as highlighted by the delegate of Social Inclusion.

Finally, Sánchez pointed out the good work being carried out in the province’s educational centers by the young mediators, in charge of provide young people around you with information on healthy habits and risk preventionas well as serving as a bridge or link between your colleagues and the team of professionals at your disposal in the Forma Joven consultancies.

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