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“Piranha robberies” continue in the Guadalupe and María Selva neighborhoods

Neighborhood residents Guadalupe and María Selva remain without peace. The so-called “piranha robberies” are repeated every night in different properties in the area. The last of the events occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, in a house located in Pavón at 1000, where two individuals broke into the gate of a house and stole a motorcycle.

The theft was captured by security cameras, where the thieves can be seen destroying the door with a kick before taking the vehicle. The incident occurred shortly before 2 a.m., and it took just 15 seconds for the criminals to complete the crime.

An hour later, in Sarmiento at 6300, a group of five individuals tried to force entry into another home with a crowbar. After several failed attempts and upon hearing noises from inside, they decided to flee the place.

When asked about this, a neighbor expressed his concern: “We are very restless. We cannot go out to work, run errands, or simply sit on the sidewalk. The situation is getting worse every day.”

“Insecurity has robbed us of our peace of mind. We live in fear,” he added, and asked the authorities to increase police patrols. “What will become of us if this continues?” she wondered.

The incidents already mentioned were not the only ones. The night before, a dramatic event occurred in a home located at Espora 1500, meters from the Sportivo Guadalupe club.

There five criminals tried to steal a motorcycle. The homeowner managed to avoid the attack by confronting the thieves and putting them to flight.

“My wife heard noises at the gate, it was clear that they were banging it. Automatically, I got up quickly and, quite excited, I saw that two of them were taking the motorcycle. I screamed and ran towards them without thinking about the consequences. When they saw me, “They let go of the motorcycle and ran.”

When reviewing the neighbors’ security cameras, the man confirmed that five young people were involved in the attempted robbery. “I went out to the corner and the other, to see if I saw them, without considering what could happen. Luckily, nothing serious happened and my family is fine. The motorcycle is the least important thing, the important thing is that we are all fine” , hill.

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