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A young man from Tucumán proposes modernizing Bernabé Aráoz Street with a project that gains support

Mauricio Mahtuk shared his ideas on Instagram and received the support of thousands of Tucumans.

With a video in which he displays the foundations of his project, a young man from Tucumán proposes modernizing Bernabé Aráoz Street and printing a new style, a proposal that was supported and shared by thousands of Tucumans on Instagram. Is about Mauricio Mahtukwho proposes making “La Bernabé” a place of bars and shops, combined with the greenery and history that characterizes it.

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“Can you imagine Barnabas full of bars? This is my favorite street in the entire city. I feel like it would be the perfect place to meet friends. An area with shops, bars and cafes,” the 24-year-old student begins with his proposal.

In the presentation, Mahtuk explains what his idea consists of and details the reasons for his project: “Travelling, I realized that this type of places already exist in other cities, such as Güemes in Salta or Arístides in Mendoza. Why did I think of Barnabas? Because in addition to its trees, its cobblestones, the train tracks and its old houses that give it that distinctive touch, the boulevard is strategically located between two historic neighborhoods of the city (Barrio Sur and Ciudadela).”

While the video shows images of this street in the Capital, the young man points out that “the proposal would not only improve the area, but it would also generate more jobs, greater security for the neighbors and also an emblematic point for tourism in San Miguel de Tucumán”.

To close, the student adds a little history to his story and highlights the figure of Bernabé Aráoz 200 years after his death. “If these arguments do not serve you, remember that it was Bernabé Aráoz who convinced Belgrano to stay and fight in Tucumán and for the country to begin here. What better way to honor our hero by giving life to the street that bears his name,” he concludes.

“I am willing to work with the municipality”

In dialogue with LA GACETA, Mauricio Mahtuk points out that in Tucumán more green spaces are needed and those that already exist must be taken care of. This is why his idea of ​​reforming the boulevard arose. “There are many neglected green spaces, including the Bernabé Aráoz. For me, traffic lights are needed in Bernabé, it is one of the points where there are the most traffic accidents. I would also illuminate it more, I would put the cobblestones, the sidewalks in good condition, I would paint it, I would even invest in smart traffic lights that automatically turn red when the train passes by, this is a system that Mendoza already has on its Belgrano avenue,” he maintains.

Regarding the objective that prompted him to publicly express his ideas, Mahtuk indicated that he does so because he feels proud of living in the city and has no intention of profiting from the project: “I am interested in seeing the city become more beautiful, that it improve, that jobs are generated and security is generated. I am willing to work with the municipality, I am not interested in profiting from the idea or appearing as the creator. “I want my city to fight for the championship, to have these types of projects that give it a leap in quality.”

In case his proposal obtains approval in the capital municipality, the young man explains how it could be launched in the first stage. “You could start by putting food trucks and making it pedestrian on the weekends, so the people of Tucumán will begin to see it as a gastronomic center and the private sector will be able to make the investments; These do not necessarily have to be multinationals, but rather they can be the neighbors themselves who set up a bar where they currently have their homes,” he proposes.

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