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They open a call for young people to design solutions

The Municipality of Córdoba, through CorLab of the Secretariat of Smart City and Digital Transformation, called on organizations to apply for the “Innovate for Climate Challenge” initiative that promotes the implementation of innovative solutions to combat the new challenges of climate change in the city.

Along with the town of Despeñaderos, they were the two cities in the province chosen by Bloomberg Philanthropies to develop urgent climate solutions through youth action.

The call will reward the best 8 solutions from organizations established in the city of Córdoba. Those selected will receive financing in the form of micro grants of up to US$5,000 for the implementation of their proposals during the second half of 2024. They will also offer technical assistance.

Flowerbeds and cement spaces intervened with vegetation to mitigate climate change in the city of Córdoba (Municipality of Córdoba).

This program is possible thanks to the Climate Action and Youth Fund, promoted by Bloomberg Philanthropies, with the support of UCLG – United Cities and Local Governments – and Johns Hopkins University.


The organizations must propose an innovative solution to current challenges of the city of Córdoba in relation to the axes: “Adaptation and Mitigation to climate change.”

The solutions that address “Climate change mitigation” focus on reducing and limiting greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency, new renewable energy sources, sustainable architecture and the treatment of the carbon footprint, among others. others.

Solutions for “Climate Change Adaptation”, meanwhile, reduce the vulnerability of the planet through reforestation, alternative crops and systems for addressing catastrophes or temperature alterations.

Requirements and how to apply

  • Be legal entities with legal incorporation in the city of Córdoba and registered with the Inspection of Legal Entities or the Public Registry of Commerce.
  • Have a team, made up of a Director responsible for the execution of the project, and 4 or more members between 18 and 24 years of age. The team may incorporate more members of other age ranges.
  • The organizers form must be completed until July 7, 2024, on the official website of the Challenge: (For other questions or queries, contact [email protected] .ar)
According to the UN, increasing the number and quality of green spaces can mitigate short-lived climate pollutants. (Pedro Castillo / The Voice)

Selection of proposals

The proposals will be evaluated by a committee of experts from business, universities, third sector organizations and municipal authorities.

On July 26, the best 8 selected solutions will be announced and will receive up to US$5,000 for their implementation during a period of 4 months starting in August of this year.

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