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The “Health and Physical Activity Workshop for Older Adults” had an important call – Municipality of La Banda

Last Friday, May 31, the “Health and Physical Activity Workshop for Older Adults” was held, organized by the Office for the Elderly belonging to the Health Secretariat of the Municipality of La Banda.

This activity took place in the morning, in the facilities of the Municipal Gym, where other municipal areas such as the Sports Directorate, Punto Digital Banda and the Bicentennial House of this city also collaborated.

The workshop offered activities designed to promote the comprehensive well-being of older adults, through informative talks, vaccination sessions, adapted rhythmic gymnastics and health checks.

On this occasion, the professionals who gave the informative talks were the Secretary of Health, Dr. Julio César Scabuzzo, Nutritionist Ada Roldán and Professor María José Álvarez, who addressed topics related to health and sports authorities.

Dr. Julio César Scabuzzo referred to this proposal as follows: “The Health and Physical Activity Workshop for the Elderly is an activity that we have regulated by the Ministry of Health, through the Office of the Elderly” .

“We say workshop because we provide comprehensive treatment to the people who participate based on activities that take place weekly, and the basis of all this is nutrition and physical education.”

“Therefore, we offer an Adapted Rhythms Master Class taught by physical education teachers and nutritionists explain to the participants what diet is the most appropriate to have a healthier life,” concluded Scabuzzo.

For her part, the person in charge of the Office for the Elderly, Mariana Santillán, highlighted: “This activity arose last month with the idea of ​​organizing a workshop together with different areas of the municipality.”

“The workshop was held within the framework of the International Day of High Blood Pressure and had a good turnout, where the participants conveyed to us their concerns about health care,” concluded Santillán.

On the occasion, they also reported that Nutritionist Ada Roldán will begin working at the Ministry of Health, located on Avenida Besares and Sáenz Peña Street, on Mondays, starting at 8:30 a.m.

Finally, the Physical Education teacher, María José Álvarez, reported that on the occasion she provided a Rock And Roll choreography class adapted for older adults, in order to help these people improve their aerobic capacity, coordination, location Temporo-spatial and memory.

Professor Álvarez offers adapted gymnastics classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8:30 and 9:30; and rhythm classes, on Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8:30, at the Municipal Gym, located on Besares Avenue and Lavalle Street.

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