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The UTN, for the first time, will teach the job of electrical assistants to young people from a neighborhood in Cutral Co.

There will be 30 young people from the General Manuel Belgrano neighborhood -ex450 Homes- of Cutral Co who will learn the trade of home electrician assistant. The training will be developed through the agreement signed by the municipality with the Regional Faculty of Neuquén of the UTN. It is the first time that the house of higher education is installed in a community center to provide training.

The FRN-UTN will provide training in a trade for the first time in the community center of a neighborhood in Cutral Co. The proposal was feasible through the agreement signed between the municipality and the house of higher education. This is training for 30 participants who wish to train as assistants in home electricity level I, which will have theoretical and practical classes.

It is aimed at young people aged 18 and over or who are 16 years old, but that they have the authorization of the family or a responsible adult. They have to be neighbors of General Manuel Belgrano -ex450 Homes- and to register they can attend at the headquarters, through the neighborhood commission.

At the signing of the agreement, Pablo Liscovsky, dean of the UTN, Neuquén Regional Faculty He said it is a pilot experience. «We have high expectations for it to work correctly, because our objective is always to bet on social and labor inclusion,” Liscovsky stressed.

In the signing ceremony that took place at the headquarters where the course will be taught, it was recalled that the municipality has an continuous training plan developed together with the UTN so that the people who participate acquire a first instruction in the trade.

Mayor Ramón Rioseco greeted the training instructors. (Photos: courtesy)

“We assume this commitment and this challenge to discard, once and for all, all the prejudices that exist with this neighborhood and its people,” said Mayor Ramón Rioseco. He considered that the best way to banish all those prejudices, is to go to the territory and address the problem together with the neighborhood commission and the president of the neighborhood who carries out great work.

“The fact of giving this training with the UTN has to do with the dream we have, because we want Cutral Co to be a university city and that is why we are also advancing in the agreements with the National University of Comahue,” said Rioseco.

“That is the most important legacy that a government can leave for its people: education,” concluded the mayor.

This neighborhood has several families in situations of social vulnerability. It is an apartment complex that was built on two blocks, with an elementary school, a health center and the neighborhood headquarters. One of the apartment strips – C9 – was imploded a few years ago to prevent it from becoming a hiding place for criminal acts.

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