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Cuban Prime Minister presides over Solemn Assembly for the 510 years of Sancti Spíritus • Workers

With the Solemn Session of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power, attended by Manuel Marrero Cruz, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and Prime Minister of the Republic, Sancti Spíritus commemorated this June 4 the 510 years of founded.

Manuel Marrero Cruz, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and Prime Minister of the Republic, attended the Solemn Session of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power for the 510 years of the founding of Sancti Spíritus. Photo: CTC Sancti Spíritus

Marrero Cruz praised the value of the people of Sancti Spiritus to contribute to the nation, as well as the dedication of the people to the conservation of the heritage values ​​of the city and the development of the territory.

The Principal Theater, one of the architectural jewels of the city, hosted the celebration and displayed the distinctive symbols of the people of Sancti Spiritus such as the machete of Major General Serafín Sánchez Valdivia, the Shield of the City, the model of the founding enclave of the town and a miniature replica of the Main Church, the Yayabo Bridge and the institution itself.

Bárbara Mínguez, president of the Municipal Assembly, expressed that the city is proud to have conquered the hearts of its children, while giving the Key to the City to the Escambray newspaper, the status of Illustrious Son to Alexis Lorente, governor of the province and the Shield of Sancti Spíritus to Roberto Vitlloch, director of the Conservator’s Office.

During the commemoration, the Escambray newspaper received the Key to the City.

The chords of traditional Sancti Spiritus music animated the Assembly, in which four emblematic artistic groups of the territory were recognized: the Provincial Concert Band, the Clave Choir and the Miraflores and D’ Gómez trios.

Also attending were Deivy Pérez Martín, member of the Central Committee of the Party and its first secretary in the province; Ana María Mari Machado, member of the Central Committee of the PCC and vice president of the National Assembly of Popular Power; Alpidio Alonso, Minister of Culture and Alexis Jiménez, governor of Sancti Spíritus.

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