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The Health Emergencies Company moved from commissions to the Buenos Aires Legislature

The Budget and Tax Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Buenos Aires granted a favorable majority opinion to the project that seeks to create the Health Emergencies Companywritten by Minister of Health of the province of Buenos Aires, Nicolás Kreplak. The norm, which garnered 8 favorable votes among Peronist legislators and a minority office with 7 votes from the radical blocs, of the
PROof the Civic Coalition and of the dialogic libertariansin addition to the previous opinions of the General Legislation and Health Commissionswas left in a condition to be treated at the facility.

“The Executive sent a draft statute that was sent to all blocks, which follows the guidelines of the initiative to define the board, functions and missions,” said the Budget holder, the Peronist Juan Pablo de Jesúsand added that they are thinking about “working on an article that defines that if the company wants to go into debt it has to go through the Buenos Aires Legislature.”

For his part, the man from Mar del Plata Gustavo Pulti He referred to the difficulties that municipalities have when managing emergencies and pointed out that “intercommunication inconveniences” are frequent. The legislator assured that this project is essential because “it saves lives and saves costs” and added that “the only criticism that can be made is that it has not been treated 30 years before. Sometimes there are idle ambulances half an hour away and they are not can use, the mayors will see it as a relief. Lives are lost every day due to not having a coordinated emergency system.”

On the opposition side, some voices were also raised. In the minority office signed to reject the law, they mention that the objective of the norm is to grow the structure of the provincial government “without first addressing the improvement of existing provincial public services, and it lacks management coherence since it fails to comply with the principle of efficiency in the benefits that the provincial Executive must fulfill.”

The PRO legislator Fernanda Antonijevic She advanced her vote in favor of the minority opinion because, as she stated, “this company brings more problems than solutions.” The representative did not miss the opportunity to address Pulti, former mayor of General Pueyrredón, to whom he retorted: “I also managed a municipality and I think there are different opinions about it. “We think differently in this sense.”

The Buenos Aires Emergency Company proposes to improve health care in cases of emergencies or emergencies based on the logistics and transportation of users of the health system. In addition, it would regulate the transfer of critical supplies (blood and blood products, oxygen, medications) and pathogenic waste from health centers.


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