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Sáenz now met with the unions for the “Güemes Pact”, to reiterate the request for works to the Nation

In the second round of meetings called by Governor Gustavo Sáenz to advance the Güemes Pact, this time it was the turn of the unions.

“The person who calls them is not only the Governor of Salta, but also a man from Salta who wants to make life better and better in his small homeland,” said Sáenz at the beginning of the meeting with the general secretaries.

Once again Gustavo Sáenz confirmed that “my defense is the interests of Salta and the execution of works that no good man from Salta can oppose, such as routes 50 and 9/34; the Calchaquí Valleys gas pipeline, the Airport; the southern treatment plant of Capital,” Sáenz listed.

Furthermore, he made it clear that the Güemes Pact does not address partisan issues, nor is it intended only for the short term: “We are thinking about the Salta of the future; in our children and grandchildren,” he said.

Sáenz recalled that General Martín Miguel de Güemes represents the fight for freedom, federalism and for “the voice of this forgotten north to be heard.”
With these arguments, Sáenz told them: “Do not leave me alone in this claim that is historic, since the country was born. We have everything to grow, to not have to be with our hand extended to Buenos Aires, asking for alms for what belongs to us.”

Bank and CGT support

Carlos Rodas, general secretary of the Banking and CGT, expressed his support for the call. “We will not leave it alone because what matters is the defense of our workers and Salta,” he expressed, while highlighting his concern about the socioeconomic indicators caused by the national crisis.

From the 62 Organizations, UPCN leader Gustavo Soto announced the adhesion and said: “In every pact there are parties involved who want to be heard and we express ourselves in defense of work, production, and job creation.”

The person who opened the meeting was the Minister of Government, Human Rights and Labor, Ricardo Villada, in charge of coordinating the meetings.

The official announced the agenda of meetings that will include national, provincial and municipal legislators; leaders of political parties with legislative representation, universities, mayors; the different chambers and business and professional associations, among others.

The unions that were present

The General Secretaries of: La Bancaria, Carlos Rodas; from SITMA, Alfredo Cortés; of National Highway Employees, Verónica Berlasso; from ATSA, Arnaldo Ramos; from SOEME, Silvia Sosa; from TEDYC, Eduardo Lazarte; from UDA, Daniel Amidei; from SUETRA, Pablo Cayo Maturano; APJESA; from UPCN, Gustavo Soto; from SITRAVPS, Francisco Rocabado; Pastry Workers Union, Fabián Guerrero; from BREWERS, Alejandro Cachagua; from SMATA, Carlos Cabana; from SUTOSS, Pedro Cruz; from SADOP, Raquel Escudero; from ASURA, Fernando Cedrón; of COMMERCE EMPLOYEES, Evelia Puca and Guillermo Tabellone, delegate of the national table of the Unipón of AFIP Senior Staff.

Also the representatives of AMET, Víctor Tapia; from ADEMUS, Cesar Molina; Hierarchical Trade Guild, René Arce; Travelers Association, Alberto Escribas; from LIGHT AND FORCE, Facundo Orellano, from PHARMACY EMPLOYEES, José López; from SIVARA, Jorge Pampero, from SUPEH, Jorge Sare; from AMET, Ricardo Syria; from AVRESA, Guadalupe Escribas; from SADOP, Carlos Ríos; from SMATA, Anahí Espeche; from UTA, Miguel Barrera; from ATAC, Emilio Díaz La Mata; from SUTCAPRA, Federico Lobos; of the FOECOP Postal Union Norberto Montaño; from GASTRONOMICS, Cristian Franco Espindola, from EMPLOYEES OF ANSES, Eduardo Bejarano, among others.

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