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Iván Duque was sent against Juan Manuel Santos by letter sent to the UN

Former President Iván Duque reacted to the statements of former Foreign Minister Álvaro Leyva, who has reiterated that the peace agreement signed in 2016 enables a constituent assembly. In his message, the former president not only rejected this “maroma,” but also exploded against former president Juan Manuel Santos.

“He who helped choose the disaster, he who has ministers and ambassadors, now comes as a redeemer of peace when he left a trail of intentions and disasters that were corrected in our government and applauded by the UN,” Duque said on his X account (formerly Twitter).

Former President Iván Duque has been a critic of the agreement signed by his predecessor. | Photo: The country

The former head of state also He stressed that there is no justification for calling a constituent assembly in the country. “No constituent, no re-election, no playful tricks to continue dividing Colombia between friends and enemies of peace,” Duque added.

The letter of Saints

”Officials and Former Colombian officials have attributed to some paragraphs of the agreement a meaning that is contrary to its purpose, scope and purpose, which is possibly incompatible with the principle of good faith,” Juan Manuel Santos declared in the letter.

”Nothing apart from the Final Agreement proposes or insinuates that the rules established in the current Constitution may be ignored in the future. The Constitutional Court reviewed the compatibility with the Constitution, not only of the laws that developed the Agreement, but also of the constitutional reforms,” he added.

Santos affirmed that today they are trying to distort the agreement in order to use it to reform the current rules of the Constitution. “There has been an attempt to ignore the letter and spirit of the Agreement,” he stated.

Former president Juan Manuel Santos denied that the agreement opened the door to the constituent assembly. | Photo: ESTEBAN VEGA LA ROTTA

”I highlight, for example, that the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) was created by a constitutional reform (Legislative Act 01 of 2017) adopted by the Congress of the Republic and reviewed by the Constitutional Court. I consider it necessary to refer specifically to this issue, because the Final Agreement considered it essential that, in addition to giving truth to the victims, their right to justice was guaranteed, through the investigation and punishment of crimes against humanity, war crimes and other serious crimes expressly listed,” he said.

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