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They demand to reinstate the water parade

In Neiva, the river transporters of the Magdalena River have raised their voices in protest, after the non-inclusion of the water parade in the programming of the Festival of San Juan and San Pedro, this year.

According to the canoeists, this decision represents a negative impact on their economy, since the parade represents a crucial source of income for them. The canoeists’ union has warned that this situation will cause them great losses in addition that it is one of the most traditional and representative parades. .

The union’s spokespersons announced days ago that, if they did not reach an agreement with the relevant authorities, they would take their canoes to the governorate as a form of protest. Complying with his warning, On this Tuesday morning, the canoeists headed towards the headquarters of the governorate with their boats.

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Since 4:30 am, the canoeists have been carrying out a sit-in on Calle Novena and Carrera Cuarta, in the heart of Neiva, demonstrating against the Departmental Culture Secretariat for the cancellation of the water parade. At this time, one of the canoes has been crossed in said section, preventing the normal circulation of vehicles.

The protesters demand a meeting with the governor and festival organizers so that the traditional water parade is included in this year’s program. It is worth mentioning that in this parade, the protagonists are the candidates for the National Reign, and it is one of the most important events that take place within the framework of the Bambuco Festival in San Juan and San Pedro, on the Magdalena River.

The canoeing community hopes that their voices are heard and that action is taken to ensure that this cultural and economic event can continue to benefit river transporters and the community at large.

You can read: Ana Gabriel will come to Neiva and these were the demands upon her arrival in the capital of Huila

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