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Alert, Javier Milei: a survey confirms an increase in citizen anger

A recent survey could set off alarm bells in the government headed by the president Javier Milei. The latest report prepared by Circuits: Social, Political and Territorial Studies Consultant shows the existence of a trend of decline in the confidence of the national head of state. In addition, it reflects that the mood worsens with the passage of time, in the midst of the economic crisis that the country is going through.

The study was carried out between May 28 and 20, 2024, with the participation of 1,252 citizens over 16 years of age. The sample covers cities of 7 conglomerates that are grouped as follows: Province of Buenos Aires; Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; Córdoba and Santa Fe; La Pampa, Mendoza, San Juan, San Luís and La Rioja; Catamarca, Chaco, Tucumán, Jujuy, Salta, Santiago del Estero and Formosa; Misiones, Corrientes and Entre Ríos; and Río Negro, Neuquén, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.

A section of the survey proposes how to investigate “the state of mind regarding the economic situation of the country.” 46.4% chose the option “optimism and hope”, 32.9% “pessimism and anger” and 18.6% “worry and uncertainty”. Regarding the first alternative, there is a downward trend in this aspect. The peak of “optimism” was in January 2024 with 54.9%. The floor was in February with 44%. From March onwards, this percentage began to decrease until reaching the current value of May.

Source: Circuits: Social, Political and Territorial Studies Consultant.

Regarding the level of trust placed in Javier Milei, 40.4% have “a lot of confidence” in the president. 37.7% do not have it, 15.6% have little and, finally, 6.3% still do not know. Just like what happened in the other segment of the survey previously mentioned, a negative inclination was detected compared to previous months, but without hitting bottom. From March onwards, maximum credulity in Milei fell 5 points. However, it remains 3 points away from achieving the worst performance it had during February.

Source: Circuits: Social, Political and Territorial Studies Consultant.

The consultant clarifies that the survey was divided into hard core, soft core and opposition core. Hard core: “This core of support for the president Javier Milei It is made up of his first-round voters, a segment of the vote for Patricia Bullrich and Juan Schiaretti. They have a Very positive and Positive image of the president. Furthermore, they are confident that he will be able to carry out the measures. They support their government measures, they believe that the main victims of them are the caste and the beneficiaries are the workers. “They believe that the impact of the measures on their personal and family finances is moderate and their mood is one of optimism and hope,” they indicated.

“Soft Core: it is made up of the voters of Patricia Bullrich and to a lesser extent of Sergio Massa in the first electoral round. They have a regular and still indeterminate image of the president, they have moderate confidence that he will be able to carry out the measures and they do not know or not They agree with the measures implemented. They are those who believe that the measures benefit both employers and workers, and consider in equal proportion that they harm the caste and the workers. They believe that the impact on their personal and family economy is high. and moderate and are characterized by a mood of concern, uncertainty and hope,” he maintains. Circuits.

Meanwhile, “the opposition core includes the majority of Sergio Massa’s voters, white and left. They have a negative image of the president Javier Milei. They have no confidence that he will be able to carry out the measures. They do not agree with his government measures, they believe that they benefit big businessmen and harm workers. “They believe that the impact on their personal and family finances is high and their mood is pessimistic, angry, worried and uncertain.”

The full report:

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