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#MINUTOAMINUTO: Unión Magdalena 0 – 0 Llaneros

Tello didn’t let it out, the ball was loose, he won it in the center, they put it in dotted. The man named Agustín Executioner won it, Executioner comes out from the right, he hits, the ball for your Mosquera is changing long, the ball is changing, and for more, the saw closes, it is projected, it takes one, the Samario team comes, they play it short in the center, they change on the right so that the Samaria player has it and German comes out with it and crosses the ball on the right as the Samaria team comes out. The long ball was won on the right behind by the German llanera who was winning and tried to get it out, but they took the ball away from him. Now it is handed over to the goalkeeper who cannot catch it and Don Gustavo Ruiz Polo takes it out of there. Yes sir, the clarity that is required on the attacking front is not appearing union started colder with more desire with more determination goes in Unión Magdalena scored a dotted ball comes from behind the player comes out the cross San wins the cross is left to him Carreño played behind, the ball was left to be recovered by the plain team. Now they lost it the referee gives the rule of the advantage the player comes out the referee enables the play comes from the left, Brian Urueña turns on the motorcycle Brian Urueña arms, the trigger crosses the ball they come out oops, but what a shadow the man made him Jaime Giraldo no, with what quality did he return it to his goalkeeper Don Oscar. Hey, in that clear play by Unión Magdalena did he have it? Unfortunately he couldn’t, huh? Make the play culminate the play to the sensitive Uruguayan player Cristian who at times tries to manage the midfield of the team from the city of Santa Marta minute 40 and nothing about the goal my dear sir, I’m talking to you about the casino hits.

I am greeting Yamid and Mariana Mariana, the beautiful air manager of the gold star casino, to all the guys who have been working, greetings to them, the gold star casino invites you to have a super pleasant time, remember that we are in the lower part of the Hotel Marco Polo we are on the third and seventh visit us, enter the cabin on Wednesdays, millionaire. You just have to participate and claim the voice of chopping and if you want to win the four-stroke motorcycle that will play on July 31, just claim the ticket participate and claim the and participate and this July 31 with the Caribbean, the four-stroke motorcycle can being yours is going to lift. The plain team is going to hit him Angulo Juan Carlos hands the ball here so that Mosquera has it Mosquera returns for the goalkeeper, the Lord has seen his right leg, he lifts the ball high into the air Samario falls with a header that goes down with the chest that defines the long goal for Tello oops, but with a Kawasaki engine it wasn’t practically the catch either. Throw it like to the side because I don’t understand how a play where between the 1 and the other is not very distant.

He sends a ball with that intensity and obviously he didn’t reach it, he raises the lasso, he raises long, the ball is left to the Lord, he smells you with the ball in the center, looking for who he associates with, he raises the long round, looking for mere. He ran out of court, he didn’t let her out, it’s left to Bryan Ureña who lost it to come and recover the Union on the right. The man has it, he keeps it, he entertains it, they knock him down. He says he is going to charge on the right side when Guillermo Tehuel fell and this man excuse me, this Mr. Guillermo, well, I like it because the freckled man cannot appear, but there are other options. Well, we’re going to sell, we’re going to sell with Gustavo it’s crossed they came in from behind he came in to magic he hooks it he has it he keeps it he pulls the frame they reject the ball it went to the side line he didn’t let it out now yes, side line Andrés Escobar is going to collect He already plays it short, he goes back to Tello, he is projecting, they put it long on the right, he goes. The ball comes through the center. Now we are going to sell stationery and details, we have photocopy printing service played by the Magdalena Union, the ball went away, I repeat stationery and details, we have photocopy printing service, school supplies, stationery, stuffed animals, makeup and clothing in steel Carrera 26 number 44 B 13 local number two urbanization corner of Santa Cruz we offer you recharge service to all cellular operators 320 571 7934 well observant and your group of collaborators awaits you very gladly well the archer who comes to Ernesto is going to lift greetings to Dion de la town number 3 always supporting the sport always working for the less favored class of Gaira the ball is falling on the right header the search there in Urueña is left Angulo comes out with it starts Angulo plays for Urueña Urueña is projected to the left, he hits a long shot up looking for Carlitos Bogotá on the right side he has it the pizza he sleeps it he keeps it he tries to get it out he can’t he won it on the left side the player Samario they put it long the union with Tello Tello is coming in the center he takes it He is delivering to Mr. sanction, he changes to the right, Panamera goes to German, he starts, German leaves, Panamera, Union comes from the right, start me, he needs accompaniment, Daniel Vera, they deliver the ball behind, Augustinian, Thorn, the delivery through the center, he comes the Union in the center with Andrés Escobar tell the sea with the ball the final nothing happens but I’m going to mark the time for you my dear Jorge Mario Ortiz Herrera because team because he leaves he doesn’t come back playing time Bam Bam Bam Bam 45 45 diving the first part and the score I give it to you with the Magdalena newspaper today The Magdalena newspaper presents the market of the game well my voice to Lady Jana with great affection, I give it to you the Unión has zero and the llanero and I just indicated the center of the match that this match in the first half ended ended the first half zero for the union 0 for the llanero Magdalena the little ball did not want to go in was something else. Well, I say goodbye to my clients with the world of Beto with H or the rock with the color system with a lot of market with Edwin Figueroa, people for two reasons I say goodbye. They are my sponsors, I leave them in the company of the sports poster headed by Don Oscar and the polo teacher Gustavo Ruiz.

id: Four. Five

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