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There was no agreement with the government and the teachers extend the cuts

  1. World of workers

The negotiation table in Eldorado with the FETEL unions concluded, without reaching an agreement. The teachers demand that the judicial persecution cease and the return of illegal discounts for days of unemployment. They ratify the continuity of the cuts, strikes and fighting measures. While the senators increased their salaries by 8 million pesos to vote on the Base Law.

After multiple maneuvers by the Passalacqua government, Representatives of the FETEL (Front of Workers in Struggle) met in Eldorado, who are the ones who maintain the camps and courts in Posadas and different locations in the Province. Representatives of MPL, UTEM, UDNAM, ATE, and self-convoked groups and Miguel Pinto, member of the General Council of Education representing the government, were present.

At the end of the meeting, Ruben Ortiz, Secretary General of MPL, together with representatives of FETEL, announced at a press conference that the proposal presented by the government is considered insufficient and they blame the employers’ association for lack of political will. They also denounce the discounts and criminalization of the protest, prosecuting dozens of activists and teaching leaders.

They ratify the continuity of the measures, maintaining the roadblocks and camps. At the same time that we developed this news, a major outage remains on Route 12 in ElDorado where teachers report what happened at the table and debate in an assembly the continuity of the fight plan. The strength of teaching, gathering popular support from school families, students and other workers, has been forcing the government to back down, sit down to negotiate and recognize FETEL as an interlocutor.

While the Passalacqua government mounts a provocation. He spreads through his networks the salary agreement reached with the union bureaucracy and his usual trolls on the networks cheer the “end of the cuts.” The government is preparing a repressive situation to end the conflict. He positions himself as the one who dialogues with the needs of teachers when this conflict has been going on for months. Not to mention the years and years of deterioration in public education in the province.

For their part, bureaucratic unions such as UDPM-CTERA once again signed behind the teachers’ backs. One more and they go. Let us remember that at the beginning of the conflict they sat down to negotiate and signed a 34% agreement behind the backs of the workers who were demanding a 100% increase. For this reason they were passed over by the teaching staff who supported the measures and began to decide in an assembly how to continue the fight. This same union today once again ratifies this new offer from the government without consulting anyone, without holding assemblies, without asking for the return of the discounted days or for the persecution of those who fight to stop. They are all friends of the government. In the same way that the unions that belong to CGT did: UDA, AMET and SADOPwho met earlier with the government in Posadas to sign this proposal without any consultation with the bases.



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