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Llaryora supports the idea of ​​adding the “Army to fight against drug traffickers”

The governor of Córdoba Martin Llaryora He left more than one definition this Tuesday in the presentation of the 1,500 new cadets who will be operational on the streets in the coming days, in the midst of an intense wave of robberies and thefts throughout the Capital and Greater Córdoba area. Security is presented as one of the great management problems.

In the solemn presentation of human resources and fleet, held this Tuesday in Parque Sarmiento, Llaryora did not avoid a topic that he has touched on previously: the role that the Army and federal forces could play in an eventual fight against drug trafficking. “We must change the paradigm,” he said.

For Llaryora, the Army “is today a force of democracy”

The Córdoba Police presented new mobile phones and will take 1,500 cadets to the streets

“Drug traffickers have unlimited resources and the type of crime has no limits, so to combat them we must change paradigms and encourage ourselves to accompany the Army, which today is a force of democracy, to be on the streets to fight against drug traffickers,” Llaryora stated.

X by Martín Llaryora

Currently, the Internal Security Law offers two cases of intervention by the Armed Forces in internal security operations.

On the one hand, “provide support to national and/or provincial security forces.” For example, a situation like what happened in Córdoba during the police barracks in 2013. The other intervention scenario may occur after the decree of a state of siege in one or more parts of the country.

Criticism of security management at the provincial level is growing with the upsurge in crime, in a general context of recession. In addition to the cadets, 250 police vehicles were presented that will be patrolling in the Capital and provincial interior, a widespread demand from citizens.

Photo: Government of Córdoba.

Llaryora highlighted the use of reduced lethality weapons, the incorporation of the Army and the Gendarmerie into internal security, and the lowering of the age of imputability for minors who commit crimes.

“We are changing a paradigm by incorporating non-lethal weapons. And this decision of the provincial government is now being replicated in other provinces and cities. We must also change the paradigm and incorporate the Army to combat drug trafficking,” said the governor, who is closely following the campaign in Río Cuarto, which holds elections on June 23.


The vehicles: Nissan Frontier trucks with 2.3 biturbo engine, 4×2, automatic transmission, equipped with a sanitary bubble, kingvox beacon system and sirens. About 150 mobile phones will remain in the Capital and also for the Highway Police, 80 will be allocated to the interior of the province and the remaining 20 to special units.

Photo: Government of Córdoba.

The new mobile phones represent for the provincial State a “historic investment that will exceed 90 billion pesos,” the Government announced.

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