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Citizen complaints continue due to the lack of supply of Mesalazine in Manizales


We continue to receive more complaints from citizens about the lack of delivery of some medications, especially Mesalazine, which is of vital importance for some patients like Jorge Mario Arias, who suffers from a high-risk pathology and must have rigorous and continuous treatment.

“I suffer from ulcerative colitis, I must take some tablets called Mesalazine and at the same time take some suppositories of the same medicine; Since October last year, I have had problems with the supply of suppositories, not with the delivery of the tablets, but with the suppositories. I filed a Right of Request to Salud Total, they do the management, but I have only had a response from Audifarma once, that is, in these six months they have only provided them to me twice,” explains Jorge Mario Arias, an affected patient.

Arias, adds that Last month a pending delivery was generated and 20 days later they announced that it was cancelled, So he continues without the medication, “I went yesterday and, supposedly, there was a shortage, I recognized the Mesalazine, I asked for it to be delivered to me, but the girl who assisted me answered that those boxes are for earrings before mine, I asked her again, Why are there deliveries pending before me and they canceled them for me? She didn’t know how to answer me and she left.”

to faithcha, He has spent more than half a million pesos buying said medication externally, since Audifarma does not deliver it to him stating that it is pending delivery.

We contacted Audifarma and replied that they are studying the case to provide a prompt solution. Jorge Arias concludes by stating that if he does not receive his suppositories he will quickly file a guardianship to assert his rights.

After publishing this case, The medicine dispensing company took the boxes of Mesalazine that he owed months ago to Jorge Mario’s home. previous ones, managing to continue their treatment again, according to medical instructions.

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