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missing a talk with Milei

After the change of Chief of Staff, President Javier Milei “has a pending talk” with the economist Federico Sturzenegger to seal his leadership of a new ministry, while that of Human Capitalafter the support of Sandra Pettovello, will not be the axis of change and will continue to concentrate the large number of areas that it currently has under its orbit.

This was anticipated by an influential Presidential official in statements to a group of journalists. from accredited media in the Casa Rosada, among them Argentine News.

After the changes in the Cabinet, with Guillermo Francos replacing Nicolás Posee as Headquarters and the elimination of the Ministry of the Interior for the first time in more than 100 years (it will remain as Secretariat), The libertarian leader consulted reviewed how the structure of President Javier Milei’s collaborators will continue after his first six months in office, that will be fulfilled next Monday, June 10.

In that framework, For several days there has been talk of the imminent arrival of Sturzenegger to the Cabinet, at the head of a new Ministry, which was confirmed, but “a talk between him and the President is still pending” to define the details of the functions. who will be in charge of that portfolio that still does not have a name.

As it turned out, it will be a State modernization portfolio that will be managed by the man behind the Mega DNU and the Bases Law, but the details of his function must still be polished with Milei himself.

On the other hand, The same source dismissed the versions that the super Ministry of Human Capital was going to be divided to have better functioning, according to versions that had circulated in recent days.especially after the scandal over the non-distribution of food.

Which secretariats does Pettovello concentrate on?

The ratified minister Pettovello Thus, it will continue to concentrate the Secretariats of Education and Labor (Ministries in previous administrations), as well as those of Children, Adolescents and Family and Legal and Administrative Coordination.

«It is clear that all these areas must remain together, interconnected. Pettovello is doing a great job leaving behind the intermediation of poverty managers,” the official said.

Regarding the AFI, it was confirmed that Sergio Neiffert will be its new driverreplacing lawyer Silvestre Sívori, Posse’s trusted man, although it remains to be made official in the Official Gazette: “Its function must be supported by pillars, which are the exterior (such as terrorism, Hezbollah cells) and the interior.”

The AFI will once again depend on the Presidency and will leave the orbit of the Chief of Staff. The idea is for Francos to get rid of various departments that depend on his area and concentrate on being a chief minister coordinator of the different areas, it was reported.

Fountain: Argentine News

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