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More than $8,000 million will be invested in educational infrastructure for the south of Huila

Post date: 2024-06-04 20:26:44

School restaurants, sports cover, start of work on a new school, were the works announced and others started in the municipalities of Acevedo, Pitalito and Saladoblando, after the recent tour made by the Secretary of Education of the ‘Huila Grande’ Government.

2024-06-04 20:26:44

A recent visit to the south of Huila was carried out by the head of the education portfolio of the Government of Huila, Orlando Parga Rivas, who carried the message from the governor of Huila Rodrigo Villalba Mosquera to advance and complete the works of previous governments and that aim to the improvement of educational quality conditions in the departmental territory.

“In the Government of Rodrigo Villalba Mosquera we are focused on executing the investments in educational infrastructure that were pending and come from other governments. That is why we put the accelerator into these works and visited the municipality of Pitalito, where we began work on the construction of the first phase of the Winnipeg Educational Institution,” stated the secretary.

“This is an ambitious educational infrastructure project that reaches an investment of more than $9,500 million, where the Government of Huila contributes $8,000 million, and the Municipality $1,514 million,” he added.

He added that the project consists of an area of ​​4,202 square meters where the basic secondary and middle education area will operate, what is known as sixth to eleventh grade. This construction will include 12 classrooms with a capacity of 40 students each.

School restaurant in Acevedo

In a rural area of ​​this municipality in the south of the department, the delegation of the Secretary of Education visited the Marticas village, where they laid the first stone for the construction of a school restaurant in the educational institution of the same name.

“It is a 577 M2 construction, to serve approximately 341 students from the rural area, from rural families, in the primary and secondary grades. Here the investment is $735 million from the Departmental Government,” he added.

According to the official, the execution time of this educational infrastructure work is 3 months and it will be a construction that will allow a better service for the school feeding program, which, being in the rural area, includes a lunch-type ration.

In this coffee-growing town, the secretary also visited the San Isidro Educational Institution, located in the southern area, where he announced the possibility of building a sports roof that students need. “These are works that this educational community in the San Isidro village has required for quite some time and that have been affected by winter waves in previous years,” he confirmed.

“Also in Acevedo, in the El Carmen village, we arrived at the Educational Institution that bears the same name, where the construction of a school restaurant is planned to benefit about 273 boys and girls,” announced Parga Rivas.

A new Educational Institution will be built in Saladoblanco

The tour also included a visit to the municipality of Saladoblanco, where the Huila Grande Government intends to build a new educational institution. The objective, according to Orlando Parga, was to verify the status of the lot where the new campus would be located, in a rural area, La Cabaña village.

“The project has already been reviewed by the educational infrastructure area of ​​the Departmental Education Secretariat, and was returned to the Municipality so that they can make the corresponding adjustments. Here, high school students will be served with an appropriate ecological environment to dignify not only the educational quality but also the entire rural community of this sector,” the secretary pointed out.

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