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From the irritating goodbye to the unusual collection for the thief who died after an attempted robbery in La Plata

The early morning of last Sunday was tinged with tragedy in City Bell when an attempted robbery ended with the person identified as a criminal, dead. This is Iván Alexis Ávila, a 17-year-old young man. Now, the novelty has to do with the farewell messages and a collection for the wake of the deceased.

The autopsy revealed that the attacker was shot twice in the chest and once in the leg. In effect, the Justice concluded that the attacked police officer (depending on the cause) who shot him acted in legitimate defense.

The incident occurred when an officer from the Third Police Station in Los Hornos arrived home with his wife, also a member of the police force. As soon as they got out of the car, they were surprised by Ávila and an accomplice who, at gunpoint, forced them to enter the home. It was then that the police officer reacted, shouting to stop and triggering a shootout.

In the exchange of shots, Ávila received three gunshot wounds: two in the chest and one in the thigh of his right leg. Despite being injured, he tried to flee, but only managed to get a few meters away before collapsing and dying in the front yard of the home. His accomplice, however, managed to escape on foot and to date has not been identified or captured.

The identification of the deceased young man was achieved hours later, when his father recognized the body. Ávila had no documents with him, only a Samsung cell phone and cash.

Reactions on the networks, collection for the wake and statements in Justice

In the midst of the pain and controversy, there were farewell messages for Ávila on the social network Instagram. “May you rest in peace thief force your family the con… of the cap re hurt compa a re person you were flying high mate,” wrote a friend on Instagram along with a photo of the young man.

In addition, they started a collection to cover the costs of the wake, generating divided opinions in the community.

“People, we are doing a collection for the wake of my brother who died today. Any little help will be blessed,” wrote the relative of the man accused of being a thief.

For their part, the officer and his wife testified before prosecutor Juan Mennucci and remain free. “It was a typical, textbook case. “It was him or the criminals,” said a source close to the case, in order to emphasize that the police officer’s actions fall within the parameters of “legitimate defense.”

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