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Mayor maintains that they were not warned that it was a temporary project

The continuity of dozens of urban infrastructure services employees generates a new shock in the Municipality of San José.

On the one hand, the liberationist councilor Alexander Cano published a video where he alleges that motions have been voted on to give continuity to the officials hired on an interim basis; However, the specific group was not included in the measure.

“More than 60 officials from our Municipality of San José were informed that as of June 28 they will be fired,” he stated.

Faced with this, Mayor Diego Miranda rejects the accusation and insists that he could see the outcome coming. He even accuses the previous Administration of having inherited the personnel liquidation.

“These workers were hired during the pre-election campaign period to execute the resources transferred by a specific law. Unfortunately, due to the lack of strategic planning and the misuse of these resources, more than 60% of what was transferred was spent on payrolls (salaries); with a very low percentage of execution in infrastructure,” he commented.

“Johnny Araya’s administration was clear that the resources to pay these payrolls were only available until June of this year and this is proven by documents in our possession. Even so, they failed to inform those workers that the money would no longer be available after June, leaving the responsibility to the new administration, playing with the work expectations of those people,” he added.

More resources to leave people?

According to Miranda, the project in question did not generate optimal results.

“The poor execution and terrible planning in the works carried out by these crews, in turn, produced few palpable improvements in the sidewalk infrastructure of the canton for which those resources were transferred,” he notes.

“Our analyzes in these first weeks show that materials and labor costs have exceeded initial estimates, which has contributed to a rapid decrease in available funds, which is why budgeted resources have been insufficient, which has led to ruinous results,” he adds.

In passing, he criticizes the relationship between critical councilors and the figure of former mayor Johnny Araya.

“These videos and messages that are circulating and prepared by the Arayismo that seeks to continue ruling the Municipality of San José, want to put the municipal working population in anxiety, without explaining the real facts,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Councilor Cano responds that the issues of pipes and sidewalks will not be resolved in the short term; so it would be necessary to have the person.

“The municipal budget is the responsibility of the councilors and that is what the law says. We can make a request to the mayor to reduce it, or he himself can make a proposal to the Council to send a modification; to inject more budget into that Department so that they do not get fired,” he said.

The Municipality of San José passes the transition of more than three decades of management from Johnny Araya to Diego Miranda (Courtesy)

Municipality of Garabito had a similar process

The contract process in the Municipality of the Capital adds to that undergone by the Garabito City Council in the last week.

There, a review of human resources was announced, which led to the relocation of some employees and the departure of others.

In a public letter, the local mayor, Francisco González, claimed to have found “a high degree of ungovernability”; which he attributed in part to “lack of suitability of officials in the positions they are holding.”

“We found, as an example, a driver working as a warehouseman, several miscellaneous people working as office workers, other receptionists,” he mentioned. “One of the most important cases detected is that of a guard who had been appointed as coordinator (highest institutional position),” she signed.

Given this, an amendment process took place that included:

  • 45 officials returned to the appointed position.
  • 21 non-relocated officials will not have their interim appointment renewed; this due to lack of resources.
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